My future perspective on writing inside #hive #blockchain ... Stories from my ancient Inner Mind - The Portal between Marsoom and Earthanium ...

in Freewriters4 years ago

Sometimes, i am reflecting on this weird approach of the society, regarding this spectrum named art ...

Especially now, when it's the most obvious that art/music is a kind of a last link on the chain of this World.

Something like, we've always seen, the art, the music, the culture as a whole ensemble represents the last course of the world's menu ...


Today, while i was waiting for a music rehearsal to start, i was reflecting on the whole interesting experiment, on which, WE, the artists are more than simply collateral "witnesses" ...

I didn't liked to name us as victims ...

As long as you have the talant/talent to master any form of art, it means that you are in perfect balance between your body-mind-spirit ... or better to name the last section, the soul ... :)

Today was a cool day, to play some new compositions and to meet real musicians, not just play remotely ... even if i know, i see, that the trend is to make us distant, to create through internet, to be alone and to hope that the music will happen'online ... when in fact something is missing inside this whole story ...


The scores are from a composition of mine, that represents actually the title of our Tribe's album entitled State of Soul ... You can listen to this album here:

The other days i was very happy to hear that @musicoin is back in bussiness and the swap to the new ERC-20 token will take place soon ...

Here are some of my MC pages:

I'm looking forward to see the new improvements and the new protocol under wich this awesome blockchain will function.

I do hope that in the near Future, everyone will enjoy the music on apps like #musicoin

Meanwhile, i know, it's hard sometimes to see , IF you, as an artist will be able to reach some bread crumbs from platforms like #spotify ... where as i can see it's very hard to achieve at least 100000 playings ... or at least 1000 playings per one of your composition.

A world bombarded with such an amount of info, which more than 80 % most of the time, has no substance ... therefore, people are in a lethargic mood of supreme confusion ...

Anyway, i am an artist, and i like to provide to you dear listeners, mostly all of the platforms that can offer good quality service in matter of music ...

Now, let's continue ...

I don't want to start the whole story about how things are functioning inside this world of music ... but what i would like to show you will be something interesting, maybe for some quite shocking ...

Recently, i've played in a festival, somewhere in the mountains, an awesome old german/schwabisch village, name Garana, and this was during the whole restrictive period with this pandemic ...

I was shocked to see the new format of the festival, when i knew how it was in the past, for example in one year when i was playing in that festival and there were more than 9000 people ...

Now, it was a shock ... to see at soundcheck that actually the places were marked and the entire festival could host only 500 persons as audience ...


It might be a shock to see all those woods market, and this will give you a glimpse and you would say to yourself, somewhere inside ...
IF, a society of woods might be so market, would this happen'to an entire society?
Now, the next question would be ... which from these two categories will respond agressive as a form of response?
The Nature or the humans?
I am living this to you to think about ...


How many of you are still using platforms like #spotify to listen to music?

If not everyone stepped inside the new cryptonian world and are still using it, feel free and check some of music ... feel free and share it ...

If you're a musician, here's my link through which if you are registering to #spotify , you'll receive 7 % discount ...

Enjoy the music ...

Give it time ... which nowadays, in my humble artistic opinion, is a non existing factor anymore ... people are running like crazy to achieve some illusoric things ...

They hit the play button on a song and after 5 seconds they think they know the path of it ... and they stop the music ...

Most of the people nowadays are simply ingurgitating the moize from their radios, without knowing that most of the music is just for the consumism protocol ...

But hey, who's listening a musician?

Anniway, enjoy my music people ...

Soon new stuffs, actually there are new projects in which i'm involved, but at the end of the day, in such a crowded world, who's listening or is taking a few minutes of their lives to search new projects of music on internet?

Right now, i would prefer to be in a search for a better place, world, galaxy, where there would be a different approach on this thing called Life, Art, Food and so many other sacred things ...

Maybe a journey like this one would be cool ... along with my buddies Ali'ah Tuken Raider and SandolOrion Trooper ..


But, let's continue the musical journey, and this time, let's step inside the new #crypto spaces ...

Maybe some of you have heard about this platform, named Vibravid ///

A crypto platform to sustain the artists/podcasters of this spectrum from the cryptonian planet.

The only thing i don't like in some cases of some futuristic platforms out, like this one, is when the creators are mocking somehow the artists through phrases that you'll hear in the promotional trailer before you'll signup ... artists ... "we want you to be heard" ... but the word "heard" is pronounced as "herd" ... :-)

I would be careful with this kind of subliminals ... not ALL of us are missing their own 33 vertebrae or degrees :)

Vibravid, a new platform released recently through which you can earn beatzcoin and tron as bounty system of payment ... you just need to watch videos, listen to the music of artists and you can of course remunerate those who you like and get your bounty payments as well ... only if there's a bounty set for the video/song you'll listen or watch.

Meanwhile, let's see if people would go here: and register to vibravid to listen music, watch videos, listen to great podcasts ... would you do that?

You just need to have trx and beatzcoins on your wallets.

Next, let's move forward to another form of art ...

My lego world :) which is in a perfect harmony with my music ...

An awesome and creative world not only for the children but as well for the adults ...

Brick by brick, everything take shapes in time ... therefore, the patience is a key factor inside any form of art, in our case being music and lego ...

Like in the case of the big buildings from the Renaissance Era, a building process took time, to get to a result like this one for instance ...


We are just simply creative souls, travelling through space and time, trying to achieve the illumination through art ...

Like my buddies here, Jedi Yoda and Ali'ah Tusken Raider, on each of their journeys ... So shall we create our lives, like true spiritual journeys inside a sacred Matrix ...

Day by day we are creating from simply playing with the awesome characters of those famous movies from our childhood ... like Star Wars or Harry Potter ...

The other days, we've started a new journey inside our original Star Wars stories ...

Our story starts with the search of the Secret Ruins of the First Jedi Order ...

What other way to start our story, than the epic journey through the desert of the Tatooine planet of two of my favorite characters from the world of the Star Wars ...

Ali'ah Tusken Raider and SandolOrion Trooper ...


Two brothers of the Order searching the secret town that could look like a ruin after thousands of years ...

They were travelling already for more than two days throught the desert from the Tatooine planet ... when suddenly something appeared on the Horizon, after they've entered through a portal ...

The ruins of the old town of the First Order of the Jedi appeared on their Horizon ...


After two days of travelling they've reached their destination ...

The ruins of the old town of the First Order of the Jedi appeared on their Horizon ...

They were very happy to find that Jedi Yoda was expecting them ...

Maybe the best way, especially for this autumnish'almost winterish'season, would be to see Jedi Yoda sitting in front of a fireplace along with R2D2 and Father Time ... waiting for better eons ahead ...


Hope you've enjoyed my stories.

Hope you'll stay tuned, people of this awesome planet.

Let's hope for an optimistic future for the entire Matrix of this Earth ...



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