Problem must come, FACE IT.

in Freewriters23 days ago

Writing on this topic today knowing fully well it's almost the end of end of the month, which many people have made their plan for the year at the beginning of the month, this writeup is only to make you understand that definitely problem must come so face it, inasmuch that you want to get to the expected end with reasonable results.


Hard times comes but they will not last forever, infact hard times do not last, we are born in a world characterized with problems, and we cannot run away from it or avoid it, often times we use the time of proffering solution to our problems to complain, it is better to stop the complain and give to critical thinking for solution. Most times what we see as problems might be a means of moving into new discoveries that will create a massive shift in your destiny, therefore whenever you encounter problem in your life instead of complaining use it as an opportunity to upgrade yourself, because most times the door to opportunity swings on the hinges of adversity, problem are the price of progress, The obstacles of life are intended to make us better and not to be bitter. as a Nigerian Igbo boy I found out that during the Nigeria Biafra war, the Igbos produced a lot of creative men and women "scientists" in their bid to survive and protect themselves form their opposition. One of the law of nature is self preservation and survival in the midst of troubles and problems, I found out lately that any project I tend to pursue in life there is always probability of encountering an obstacle, and in another way round obstacles give value to your results at the end. the difficulty and problems you are facing today are the process of your future victory, challenges make you stretch, they make you go extra beyond the normal. There is a popular saying that says the breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's obstacles.
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