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RE: From Freewriter to Agency Deal with APS International!

in Freewriters4 years ago

Sounds good! I loved your reading yesterday but for some reason, I couldn't comment. I was listening from my phone.
As to the setup - mics are not that expensive and a mentor of mine has done audiobooks (she is a professional podcaster) and recorded to her laptop with a mic sitting in her closet :)
When I first started podcasting, I used audacity - a free editing software. I don't know if that is still around. But there should be free or very cheap options...
You could do your life readings with a mic in front of you.
I have the ATR 2100 - it goes on sale ever so often. But there are others that have good sound and can be had for less than $ 100. I feel that a pop filter is a must...
Personally, when I listen to podcasts, I don't mind misspoken words - but when I listen to a book, it takes me out of the story.