Not Much Variety of Weekend

in Freewriters4 years ago

"What's that I can smell? Something good."

"What," replied something (still to be decided). "What can you smell?"

"I smell Thursday, my friend. That means it is the weekend."

Just in case you're wondering, I live in an Arab country. The weekends are Friday and Saturday. Then back to work again on Sunday.

"Is that meeting, I can smell?" I said.

I think everyone has got the hint. It's the weekend.

"So what will you do?" said (still to be decided).

"There's not a lot of options," I replied. "Stay in or stay in?"

"Is that it?"

"Actually, we're allowed to go out for 2 hours a day, for a walk."

"Will you?"

"Yes, I replied. I need to go out. Otherwise, I'm going a bit crazy."

"I know you're going crazy," said (still to be decided). "You forgot to put some speech marks in the above sentence."

"Did I?"

"Yes, you said, yes, I replied."

"I must be going mad," I said. "But so are you."

"What makes you say that?"

"You still haven't decided what you are yet."

"Of course I haven't," said (still to be decided). "But I'm not the writer of this story."

"Who is then?" I asked.



"Yes, you."

"I'm going for a lie down," I said.

"No," said (still to be decided). "You haven't decided who I am. It's making me crazy."

"I don't care," I said. "You're a fictional character. I'm very real and I'm going to get some sleep."


Freewrite; prompt by @mariannewest