5 minute freewrite 2354 prompt lack of concentration

in Freewriterslast month

This is my post for #freewriters 2354 prompt lack of concentration hosted by @mariannewest

Dehydration can cause all sorts of problems with your body. Every summer I fight to stay hydrated. It does not matter how much I drink I still end up dehydrated. I was drinking tea and my husband kept telling me to quit drinking it, which I finally did, but still, I fought being dehydrated. I started drinking the flavored stuff that you mix with water and adding lemon juice to it so I was sure to get the electrolytes that I need, but I still get dehydrated. Now I am drinking only water but have given up on our reverse osmosis water and started drinking water from our tap, it is well water, not city water, I think it is the water that has whatever nutrients in it that our bodies need and the reverse osmosis takes them out of the water. I am hoping this will make me feel better. In my mind, it already does.

Dehydration can cause difficulty concentrating. The brain is made up of around 85% water, and water is necessary for the brain to function, including thought and memory processes. Dehydration can cause a fuzzy-headed feeling that makes it hard to focus or concentrate. Other cognitive effects of dehydration include impaired short-term memory, Difficulty recalling long-term memories, and Increased reaction times. I copied this from a Google search

I agree with what some of this says, I do have lack of concentration and I have a terrible short term memory but my long term memory is fantastic maybe old age has more to do with this but it is still crazy that I can remember things from 60 years ago rather than what happened yesterday. I do not know what they mean by increased reaction time, I would think that should be decreased reaction time......end of 5 minutes


Rudy has been getting quite the personality, or attitude, I am not sure which. Since he got away from me and now that my hand is hurt I have not been getting him out of his cage, but every evening when it is time for me to get him out, he stands up at the door and stares at me with those big brown eyes until I get him his snacks, he gets a piece of carrot, a slice of tomato, and a strawberry or apple slice, I will hold the carrot or apple slice for him and I pet him while he eats so he will still know me.

One morning he was still awake and I thought maybe he was still hungry so I gave him a small piece of carrot, now every morning he stays awake and stands at his door staring at me until I give him a snack, and then he goes to bed.

We have a huge stalk of bananas that are getting ripe so I Googled if rabbits can eat them, they can, so this morning I gave him a piece of one and he smelled it all over and took one bite but then stood up at his door staring at me, he would not eat it, I told him that is all he was going to get, in a few minutes I hear him banging on something and he has his snack dish and he is throwing it around in his cage, the piece of banana was laying on the cage floor with still the one bite out of it. I got him a small piece of carrot, he ate it and went to bed.

I have been giving him veggies from our garden every evening but with the weather getting hotter we will not have many garden vegetables through the summer and I have been worried about what I am going to have to feed him, I buy Timothy hay and rabbit food but that does not seem very appealing to me. I have plenty of Marigold seeds and was wondering if rabbits can eat the flowers but found out they will but only for a snack because they are high in sugar, they like the young plants better so I planted two flats of marigolds for him.

I also found out that although rabbits love carrot bottoms, they are only good for a snack but the tops, they can have all they will eat, so 2 days ago I put the end of a carrot in a bowl with water to see if I could grow the tops for him, it worked so I put another one in the bowl this morning and I am going to have family members save their carrot ends for me.
photos are mine