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RE: 5 minute freewrite 2376 prompt bite me

in Freewriterslast month

We sell them to people who want a natural fence or hedge, you can not believe the number of people who say they want to block their neighbor from seeing their house, or as one lady put it "my neighbor is driving me crazy". They can grow to 30 feet tall and if put 3 feet apart, you can not see through them.


Wow! I had no idea they grew so fast, so tall, so thick, they screen out the neighbors.
What is the Midwest equivalent...
How enterprising of you to grow and sell these!
And you mention weighing only 96 pounds. All lean muscle (and missing cartilage, alas, hence the arthritic pain). You spend a lot of time close to nature, working, being productive, doing all the things that are supposed to help us live longer, HEALTHIER lives. I wish for you a remedy to the arthritis pain. At least not to have it be debilitating!! You need to be out on the water, right??

I use my hands a lot, mostly my right one, this is why I think I have no cartilage, I wore it out. I do not know what causes arthritis other than old age. The top knuckle of my pointing finger is swollen with it and the top part of the finger is bent toward my thumb. This is all on my right hand, the left is fine.
Yes, I do need to be back on the water.