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RE: Day 1876: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: native seeds

in Freewriterslast year

I went to bed early last night so I had to do a little catching up. I have not seen the milk meme. And did not understand the clip that you posted.


Imagine Gracie being her grandmother, looking at a situation in which someone is going through some things with their body, and that comment being repeated in all kinds of situations appropriate and inappropriate around the world ... that's the "he needs some milk" meme in a nutshell. Gracie, of course, knows more than she should, but not enough to realize how ridiculous her assumption about what George needs is in light of how many things she thinks can be solved with milk because "he needs some milk"!

And, OF COURSE, Grayson, who knows even less, spills the beans -- and thus the milk as well -- about why Lil' Robert is actually developing muscle mass faster than George ... so Gracie is right, meaning she applied the meme CORRECTLY until, of course, she handed the milk off to Capt. Ludlow, who is grown ... but she figures he needs all the help he can get...

Thanks for the explaination.