Between brothers

in Freewriters2 years ago

Entre hermanos

Mariano estaba furioso, no podía creer que su propio hermano fuera la causa del final de su matrimonio, ya había notado que su esposa había quedado fascinado con las extrañas historias que contaba su cuñado, pero de eso a que le fuera infiel, simplemente no le cabía en a cabeza.

-Confiesa de una vez Cesar, ¿Te acostaste con mi esposa?-

-Te juro que no Mariano, Rocío es una mujer muy hermosa, pero como bien sabes, para mi siempre estará primero la familia-

La verdad es que Cesar siempre había estado enamorado de Rocío, pero a la hora de confesarle su amor, siempre le falto el valor, hasta que un día finalmente fue su hermano el que dió el primer paso. Sin embargo la personalidad amable de Cesar terminó por fascinar a Rocío quién secretamente también lo amaba.

Cesar no paraba de sonreír por lo graciosa que le parecía la situación, lo que termino por enfurecer aún mas a Mariano quien en un arranque de ira, sacó su pistola y le disparó a quemarropa.

Sin saber qué hacer Mariano subió a su camioneta y dejo a su hermano en un charco de sangre afuera de la parte trasera del restaurante donde había visto a Rocío por primera vez…

Between brothers

Mariano was furious, he couldn't believe that his own brother was the cause of the end of his marriage, he had already noticed that his wife had been fascinated by the strange stories that his brother-in-law told, but from that to being unfaithful, he just didn't care. fit in the head.

-Confess once and for all Cesar, did you sleep with my wife?-

-I swear not Mariano, Rocío is a very beautiful woman, but as you well know, for me the family will always come first-

The truth is that Cesar had always been in love with Rocío, but when it came to confessing her love to him, he always lacked her courage, until one day it was finally her brother who took the first step. However, Cesar's kind personality ended up fascinating Rocío who also secretly loved him.

Cesar couldn't stop smiling at how funny the situation seemed to him, which ended up making Mariano even more furious who, in a fit of anger, pulled his gun from him and shot him at close range.

Not knowing what to do, Mariano got into his truck and left his brother in a pool of blood outside the back of the restaurant where he had first seen Rocío…


Fotografía, cortesía de Pixabay


Oh dear, the brother slept with the wife! What kind of treachery is this?!

That is what Mariano believed, but Cesar was innocent as he had explained, but his joking personality made it seem that he was hiding something.

Me parece triste, pero a veces así es la vida

Así es, en la vida no todo es color de rosa