For Better or Worse, a Freewrite Poem

in Freewriters3 years ago


For better or worse
we scrape with one finger
between the toes of one foot
one by one
to remove the toe jam

Then we slowly
ever so slowly
do the other foot

When our toes
have been freed
of the crud between them
they suddenly come to life
each wriggling for joy
feeling the smoothness
of the toe next door

That's the better part

The worse part is -
this is a stupid poem

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This is my entry to @marianne's daily freewrite challenge. The prompt for today is scrape. It's not my best work, and a year ago I would never have dared publish it, but we are now in 2021. The outrageous seems to be the new normal. Why should freewrites be any different?

For a chance to win big prizes without making a whole post of your own, check out this way cool contest. Almost no rules!!!

Come join the fun going on in the @freewriters community. You will be amazed at what comes out of your head.

The photo of poison ivy is mine. It's my poison ivy too, for better or worse.


Manually curated by blacklux from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Pfrrrhahahahahahha nooo is not a stupid poem!

Thank you @blacklux! It was fun anyway.

Lol it is not a stupid poem! 😂 quite symbolic really... of crap in our lives that we are better off without. Well, that's what I took from it anyway 😉

Oh good. Sometimes it takes me a while to see the value of my freewrites. And since your comment touches upon one of my current obsessions, I have no doubt your interpretation is in there. Thanks for pointing it out. xo

Nice poem, have a lovely day, LOL

Thank you! I'm hoping to get to that lyric poem for your contest.

hahaha, it might seem stupid to you but it gave me a laugh. I was thinking if I ever found toe jam I would give my feet a good soaking not use my finger. lol

I once went to a dance concert, in which a woman performed this act on the stage, first one foot slowly, and then the other. The entire audience GROANED - an interactive performance. I will never forget it, and here it is memorialized on a blockchain forever. The wonders of letting your mind wander!

I see you are managing to write again, It's nice to have you back.

But funny!!!

Not stupid but it is hilariously relatable :D I enjoyed it like I do everything you create.

It's always a pleasure when you drop by. I am very surprised at the attention this is getting lol. Goes to show, you never know.

Hi owasco,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you!

Hi @owasco, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!

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Thank you so much all, especially @rem-steem!

My pleasure!

Nice poem, with a sudden ending!

Thank you!

Lol. Definitely didn't see that ending coming.

Nice poem between 😊

The five minutes were looming, so I had to wrap it up fast. Thanks for stopping by!

It might be a stupid poem after all... I know because I value stupid poetry.

It has a good punch line. While I am freewriting, I am always certain I am writing a bunch of tripe. So when that line came out, I meant it. Happens a lot with freewrites, that what I thought was tripe as I was writing turned out to be pretty good as a whole after all. I love that about freewriting. It's always surprising.

Really cool, it made me laugh