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RE: Bean counters, Murderous hunters, Mennonite warlords - Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2212

in Freewriters5 months ago

Did Sam Stonehill recently post about her? She's so cool.

When she started listening to the plants, they told her what to do!!! OMG how much I love that. She tapped into the global intelligence system.

She just throws potatoes on the ground!

I can think of no reason why not. They grow.




They broke my heart. They didn't arrest me. I had to go home and go to Sunday school.

She lived, as did her parents before her, by natural law and the principles of nature, not by the laws of men. I wanna be her!!!

This is wonderful! I usually skim videos that are longer than a couple minutes, but I watched this one intently, no jetting off to see what the notification I got was, no getting up to make tea. I absolutely love this video!!! Thank you so much for giving it to me, to us!