The Big Chopping Block In The Sky, a freewrite

in Freewriters4 months ago



"Chop him up! Chop him up! CHOP HIM UP!"

By this time, the guy was screeching. The crowd began to screech along. For a few minutes, all anyone could hear, say, or understand, were the words "chop him up."

It hadn't always been like this. Time was when only one or two beings would catch the chop-him-up fever. The rest would do one of three things: some would laugh nervously, most would scurry away, but a few would sneer and say something having to do with the grace of god. But God knew. He could see, and he was Happy with his work.

"I see you've gotten them into quite the tizzy Colonel. Well done." the colonel's CO said.

"Thank you sir. I do my best."

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the poor fellow was readying himself for the big chopping block in the sky, his god awaiting.

Snap out of it. We are being played.


This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is chop him up!. I used eg.gtimer, finished writing with 20 seconds to spare, then went back and proofread the thing without changing content.

I started reading Brideshead Revisited just last night, hence the colonel and his CO. I am determined to be able to boast, before I kick the bucket, that I have read every book on my bookshelf. There was little else here to read (hence Brideshead Revisited), so I can boast that I am getting very close.




Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder

is a novel by the English writer Evelyn Waugh, first published in 1945.

I'll have to try it! I have so many unread books in my house -some by Waugh, some by Mauve Binchy.
What did I read instead, recently? A foolish fantasy (an ARC via NetGalley).
Note to self: if you can see on page one that the protagonist is obtuse and annoying, STOP READING.


Aisling Doyle is sick of secrets. Still aching after her tight-lipped mom’s recent passing, the forty-five-year-old feels lost when her husband leaves her for a younger woman. But after having an angry nightmare where she pushed him down the stairs, she’s horrified to learn he has perished in a hauntingly similar fatal accident. Worried her disturbing visions from childhood hold twisted power, Aisling flees home to Ireland to dig into her heritage. And when her maternal relatives reveal their bloodline traces back to a powerful Celtic goddess, she fears someone is setting her up for murder. As she delves into ancient dangers, will she find redemption or become a villain’s sacrifice? The Dreammasters is the dark first book in the Of Gods and Monsters paranormal women’s fiction series. If you like strong-willed heroines, otherworldly evils, and Irish myths, then you’ll adore KD Pryor’s black-edged fantasy.

Aisling ("Ashling") is obtuse and annoying, and the book ends on a total cliff hanger after many pages of watching this middle aged woman "training" - a crash course in magic, so she can rescue some guy from the Underworld. It was all SO STUPID.... but yeah I read the whole book, skimming only the long descriptions of antiques in the attic.

Brideshead is good so far, although about folks whose profanely rich and erudite lives I can barely understand. Seems like all the men were latent homosexuals to me, who had so much money they never had to do anything but sit around thinking and drinking. The women, so far, are all vacuous and vain. Should I keep reading it? It's literally the only book that is unboxed in this house that I haven't read yet! There are old medical books in the garage's attic I suppose I could delve into (might even like), but I have to brave a very steep ladder and rickety flooring to get to them.

I fancy myself a wild card but I'm probably an NPC:)

No one who would go to Anarchapulco is an NPC. I will be there virtually. I wonder if there's any way to communicate with those of us who are watching them bring our own dreams to form. It's very exciting.

It should be a blast, especially as Max Igan will have his new bar open and people will likely congregate there after the conference.

I am so so jealous!! You give them my regards from New York State of all places. Tell Max to read my stories. I like to think he would appreciate my stories. But whatever.

Are you kiddin' me? I'll be much too busy telling him all about me, me, me:)

I find that hard to believe.

"No one who would go to Anarchapulco is an NPC" - I have some catching up to do!
What a dark post - the chopping block! As a farm kid who held the chicken legs while Mom chopped off the head, I'm not "going there" (not today, anyway!) with the bloodthirsty mobs excited to see a human on the chopping block.
(Yes it's taken me seven days to find it.)
Well done, as always!

Thank you love!!! I'm having trouble freewriting lately, as I'm sure you can see. I start and stop many times before I finally abandon the stories. When one does struggle its way out, it's always the same story in some way.

Um, no, I can not see that you're having trouble freewriting, because you always freewrite so memorably and eloquently!
I always write the same story - you noticed this during NaNoWriMo and March Madness when the dead weren't really dead (even a dog whose death was faked). If we don't witness a death (or even the body), then I'm gonna imagine my lost loved one is still alive somewhere.... in cognito, in Witness Protection, somewhere, somehow. Which is silly. If they cannot or will not communicate with me, they may as well be dead - and in fact, if we do survive death of the body, my multi-tasking sister may be able to visit her daughters in spirt and me as well because Kelly was the Wunderkind....

Sorry, as always, I digress.

Do you write the same story over and over again? I think you're fresh and original, always!

The same message, or a variation of the same message, yes.

I remember when I could truly just write the words that popped into my head, all the while thinking I was writing a bunch of nonsense. But when I read the things over, they miraculously made sense! I was nearly always successful, and just as often very surprised by my story. Digression was the point for me, and what drew me to your freewrites, which were (are) always marvelous. I don't think you know where you are going when you start to write. You start at anchor, and set sail to parts unknown to you. When I truly freewrite, my stories are full of idioms and colloquialisms. No more. I miss writing so freely. Once in a blue moon I pull it off, but it's very rare.

Mine weren't all about the new world order or what to do about it, as they are now in some way.

Of course I looked it up! (But will I remember it tomorrow)

#NPC stands for non-player character, a character in a game that's not controlled by the player or an AI. NPCs can be shopkeepers, villains, or citizens in a game's world. They have different roles and functions from CPUs, which are computer characters meant to act like real people.

#Anarchapulco is an annual anarcho-capitalist and voluntaryist conference held in Acapulco, Mexico. It was founded by Canadian-Dominican activist and entrepreneur Jeff Berwick in 2015.

I sooo want to go to Anarchapulco! But I'll have to be content with a virtual appearance there.