Dailyprompt|| An uncertain ratio || five minutes freewrite

in Freewriters4 months ago

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Bassey an under graduate from the university of uyo is a hard working young guy who had the dreams of becoming a lawyer, so while in school since his dad had just retired and they was no one to support him in school.

He was forced to take up a part-time menial job as a drink supplier, which he was fortunate enough to get employed by the Coca-Cola company just near their school.

So with the small company car he will be moving from one retail shop to another to supply drinks which the deal was that they more drinks he sell the more his percentage.

So one day on his way back to refill and supply more drinks a strange man stop him on the way the man knew him very well, they man said please bassey I'm a very busy man and my daughter will be having her birthday celebration this Friday please I will like you to bring as many drinks as possible.

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Bassey who was very happy with what the man said and since the man had given him an advanced payment of 5000 naira he was very sure that he is going to sell many drinks on Friday.

But going back to their company bassey was kind of feeling uncertain on the amount of quantity of drinks that would be enough for the gathering, so it was finally Friday and bassey came with his car full of drinks.

And the man rush out to him as many people had already gathered, so the man said please off load and go and bring more after you name your price, so bassey on his way back struggles to calculate the number of people he saw but still in an uncertain ratio" since the man said that more people are coming.

Bassey came back with two cars full of drinks and his colleagues was the one driving the second car, but the sells was on basseys name, and after off loading all the drinks bassey told the man his price and the man paid him immediately since he was in a hurry to attend to other guests.

And just like that bassey manage to raise enough money to take care of some of his educational needs as well as his personal needs.


So interesting and sweet prompt

Much appreciated thanks