Oasis | Freewrite Prompt : Too Hot

in Freewriterslast year

Image by ipicgr from Pixabay

Author's note: I will be using @rbhayes account for my journey back into writing from hereon.
I'm truly enjoying freewrite format at the moment.

@mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2040. Prompt: too hot

He would have liked the tan he was getting from this heat if it wasn’t too hot to begin with but despite that, he couldn’t bring himself to move even though he now felt parts of his skin getting itchy as it was starting to dry up.

He needed water. Hydration. Where was he anyway? Hell, he couldn’t even open his eyes to see where he was now, could he? It was probably due to the brightness that came with the heat…

What was it he was trying to remember? How did he get himself under this blaringly alarming predicament?

He couldn’t really think right now. It was because of this noise he was hearing, like someone breathing too fast for their heart to keep up in beats— Hyperventilating. Someone was hyperventilating and, and—

Everything became silent. The brightness suddenly turned off to reveal the one way mirrors that surrounded the room. There was no one alive to hear the monotonous voice that followed, “Test Subject 1 has failed. Bring in the next one.”

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

Minimalist Watercolor Green Thank You Card .png
Made in Canva


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Hello @rbhayes this sounds like a scary story. I was hoping he was enjoying lying on the beach on a tropical island. 🌴 Have a great weekend! Barb 😊 !BBH !CTP