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RE: Day 1282: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: tremors

in Freewriters3 years ago



There is nothing worse in this world than feeling tremors.

There are them in different forms and ways, there are some that are a product of our body and make us feel different emotions, happiness when in love, fear when being in a difficult situation, anger when witnessing a situation that seems unfair to us. Different things to say about it, what they have in common is that they make us experiment and live.

I see them as tools that help us to be better, to develop new skills, because by having to overcome these moments, we grow and end up being better people.

The tremors give us material to write on, and here we can see how humans use their creativity to speak from a scientific topic such as tremors caused by a seismic failure, to tremors caused by noise from airplanes flying over an area. residential. I only tremble to think of all the tremendous possibilities that are presented to us with this word of the day, and of course I cannot do more than take advantage of the opportunity.

On this occasion I want to share with you that I tremble with joy because after many years, I managed to acquire my mini computer, and now I can write more comfortably and make you tremble that you read this with my contents.

And of course, I hope you do not tremble to give me your contribution for this precious contribution that you surely enjoy reading my little essay.

Welcome to all the tremors that make us better in life.