A Place Like Heaven

in Freewriters25 days ago

Malkiel knew that he was taking a big risk by leaving the house, but he couldn't take it anymore. He had to reach his love, Yutaka, as soon as possible and beg him to run away together.

That day, the king was coming back from a trip, and to welcome him, they were holding a parade with the theme of the glory of the dragon, and the soldiers were raising their feet and beat them to the ground in unison, and a puppet dragon was walking behind them.

Malkiel approached the parade line and scanned the faces of each soldier until he saw Yutaka among them and he smiled happily as he began to walk along the line staring at the face of his love.
"You seem calm, but I know you're just as agitated inside as I am. What do you think will happen? Will we manage to escape this dark and sinister land and fly to happiness?"

At that moment, people with a large sign that read: The lives of citizens belong to the king, forced their way past Malkiel, and when they left, he could no longer see Yutaka. He looked around confusedly and said to himself:
"Why did he disappear? Where did he go?"

At that moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw Yutaka and happily hugged him tightly. But Yutaka pushed him back and said angrily:
"Why did you come out of your house? If they see you here, they will kill you."

Malekiel grabbed Yutaka's arms.
"Please let's get out of here right now."

"This is impossible. They will arrest us and kill us."

"Everywhere is crowded now because of the king's return. We can hide in the crowd and escape."

Yutaka shook his head in denial.
"Secret agents are everywhere. Listen to me, my love. I'll take you home now, but I promise you I'll come to you tonight and we'll get out of here together."

"No, no, I'm not going back to that damned house. You know what my life is like there? Every day they strip me and do the most humiliating things to my body under the pretext of a gilding ceremony."

Tears welled up in his eyes and ran down his cheeks and he started sobbing. Yutaka hugged him and started stroking his head.
"Honey, I know exactly what they are doing to you and I swear I will make every single one of them pay for their actions before we leave together."

At this moment, the barrel of a gun suddenly came out of the puppet dragon's mouth and a fiery bullet was shot at Malkiel, and he burst into flames and screamed in pain, and separated himself from Yutaka so that the fire would not spread to him.

Yutaka quickly made his way through the panicked crowd to a nearby shop and grabbed a fire extinguisher from there and returned and used it to spray a large amount of foam on Malkiel's burning body.

The fire went out and Malkiel's half-lifeless and burnt body fell on the ground and rested. Yutaka tossed the capsule aside and walked over to sit on the floor next to him and hugged him.

"Honey, we'll go to a place that's like heaven and we'll walk hand in hand and flower petals will fall on us instead of bullets."

Yutaka placed his hand on Malkiel's cheek as he was crying.
"Yes, yes, it will be so, my love."

Malkiel smiled tearfully and closed his eyes and died.
