Calm In A Sea Of Red Hair

in Freewriters4 months ago

The raindrops hitting the glass and the restlessness that gripped Nathan's heart. He erased the two small holes on Gabrielle's neck with a spell and took her back to her room in Grimmauld house and laid her on the bed, hoping she wouldn't remember what Godfrey had done with her when she woke up.

When he was somewhat relieved about Gabrielle, he returned to his house and went to the basement, and just as he opened the door, he heard the sound of the coffin lid closing. He went to it and sat next to it and caressed it with his hand.
"You know, I hate myself, because I'm a coward. I wasn't like that before. Remember how hard head I was, always getting myself and you in trouble?

Now I turned upside down and fell from that side of the roof. At first I thought I was afraid that if I turned into a vampire, I wouldn't be able to control my wild temper and you would have to kill me.

But now I understand that I am afraid of something else."

There was silence for a while and then Godfrey asked from inside the coffin:
"From what?"

"For you and Rosalie's relationship to get good again and for her to come back to you."

A wave of peace and happiness along with a pang of conscience filled Godfrey's existence. He said to himself, does he also want the situation to remain like that? Because everything seemed safer with Nathan and there was no danger of a little monster forming?

He removed the coffin lid and looked at Nathan's face, at his eyes and lips that were asking for something and put his hand in his red hair and his forehead on his and closed his eyes.
