Power Or Love?

in Freewriters26 days ago

Malvin was standing in his new room, which was actually a garage, and was looking at the cement walls there, shaking with anger and sadness and tears streaming down his eyes.
"Master promised me that if I reformed my behavior, he would raise my position. But not only did he not do that, he took my former position from me and moved me here from the best room in the mansion to here."

He went to the broken table at the end of the garage and took his documents from it and looked at the red crosses drawn on them.
"My credentials are perfectly valid. How could they not accept them?"

He crumpled the papers and threw them in a corner and then went to the bag of coals and took out a piece of coal from it and heated it with a charm and rolled up the sleeves of his clothes and while he was clenching his teeth in pain, he drew lines on his hand with charcoal.

He looked at his burnt flesh and skin and the blood flowing from them and felt that the physical pain had improved his mental state.
"Master, you made me promise not to hurt myself again. But this time it was your fault."

He started walking through the garage and stopped at the door and put his ear to it.
"How quiet it is. Everyone's probably upstairs partying while I'm here like an outcast."

He continued his walk and when tiredness overcame him, he decided to take a nap and laid down on the garage floor and closed his eyes and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Some people had arrested Malvin and were taking him to be executed, and he was calling his master, Sarik, to help him, but Sarik was standing between the guests, talking and laughing with them and not paying any attention to him.

Malvin groaned and jumped up and his eyes widened when he saw Sarik sitting next to him and dressing his wounds.
"I thought you wouldn't do this at least because of me."

"Master, why did you come here?"

"Don't you know?"

"No, how should I know? You humiliated me and threw me away."

"You really don't understand? The only reason I took your position and sent you here to be in less danger."

"Master, what are you talking about?"

"Members of the wizarding community. They want you under their control, and if you don't listen to them, they'll get rid of you."

"I'm well capable of dealing with them. Your words are an excuse. You did that to me because you don't trust me."

"No, Malvin, you underestimate them. If you're near them, sooner or later they'll sink their fangs into you."

"So I have to stay here and live like a worm crawling in a hole?"

Sarik raised his hand and placed it on Malvin's cheek.
"Isn't it enough for you to be by my side and receive my love?"

Malvin pushed Sarik's hand away.
"Are you trying to calm me down with these lies?"

Anger appeared on Sarik's face and he grabbed Malvin's shoulders and lifted him up and started shaking him.
"You know, when you weren't here, I kept praying you'd do something wrong so I could find an excuse to bring you back. I'd rather have you by my side and in chains than to be free and not with me."

Malvin stared at Sarik with a shocked face. He could not believe that his angelic master had cultivated such thoughts in his mind.

Sarik held Malvin's shoulders for a few moments and then got up and went to the door. Malvin also laid down and thought about what he wanted in his life, power or love?



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