The Broccoli In His Heart

in Freewriterslast month

Elf Sabeeno was sitting at the piano, and with each note he played, the body that laid on the bed in front of him took on more form, just like a statue being completed under the hands of a sculptor.
"Be happy. There are only moments left until the end of your creation."

And he continued to play faster until the body was fully formed and he opened his eyes and looked around in confusion.

Excited, Sabeeno got up and walked over to him and helped him up.
"My dear Karolik, congratulations on your arrival in this world."

"You are my master Sabeeno, aren't you? I could hear you talking to me when I was being made."

"Yes, I am your master sabeeno, and every note I played to make you I combined with love."

Karolik smiled and happiness appeared on his innocent face.
"Thank you, master."

And bowed. Sabeeno put his hand on Karolik's head and started stroking it.
"You know, now that I looked at your face, the pang of conscience boiled inside me."

"Why master?"

"Because I made you to get revenge on my former lover, Reagan. But now the thought of ruining your life like this hurts me."

"Master, why did this Reagan you say leave you?"

Sabeeno sat on the bed next to him and answered:
"He was the prince of the land of Broxie, and I was of a different race, another type of elves that used to live in the land of Deerid and were known for their violence and brutality.

The king told Reagan that if he wanted to be crown prince, he would have to leave me and marry another elf, and Reagan, preferring position to love, did as his father told him."

Tears gathered in Sabeeno's eyes and ran down his cheeks. Karolik got up and knelt on the ground in front of him and said:
“Master, if you command me to assist you in your quest for revenge against Reagan, I will do so for you with all my heart.

But the flames of revenge are unruly and will surely destroy your life, so please forgive Reagan for your own sake."

Sabeeno got off the bed and sat on the floor facing Karolik.
"I will forgo revenge, but instead I want to make another request of you."

"Command me, master."

Sabeeno raised his hand and placed it on Karolik's cheek.
"Could you be my lover instead of my servant?"

Karolik's eyes widened in surprise.
"Master, is this what you want from me?"

"Yes, I want you to be my lover and make love to me. I know my request is not right, love is not a forced thing."

Karolik raised his hands and placed them on Sabeeno's arms.
"I am fully capable of falling in love with you not by force, but by my own will and with the satisfaction of my heart. You are the one who brought me to this wonderful world, how can I not fall in love with you?"

"Ah, my love."

Karolik hugged him and said:
"I will always treat you with complete loyalty and between you and any tempting situation, I will choose you."

And he reached out and picked up a broccoli from the table next to the piano and placed it in Sabeeno's hand.
"You told me earlier that this plant was a sign of love in your old land."

Sabeeno smiled and wrapped his fingers around Broccoli and raised his fist to his heart.

And at this moment, the sunlight shone through the window on them, as if it wanted to celebrate their union.
