The Worst Sin

in Freewriters27 days ago

The silver light of the moon and the gentle blowing of the night breeze and the rustling of the leaves of the trees. Nathan was walking through the narrow alleys, trying to push back the pain in his heart and focus on his work, but he was not very successful.
"I shouldn't have treated him like that. I should have understood him. How can I claim to love him?"

And a voice in his mind answered:
"You're scared, because you think if you turn into a vampire, Godfrey will kill you too."

Nathan shook his head in denial.
"That's nonsense. Godfrey did it, for her own sake as well as for everyone else's. If Lucinda lived, she would have to spend the rest of her life unconscious at St. Mungo's."

"Perhaps a cure would finally be found."

"You can't go through life with maybes. Godfrey did the best he could as her father. I'll tell him that when I get home."

The sound of someone's footsteps drew Nathan's attention. He slowly approached the source of the sound and saw the subject standing at the end of the alley and about to enter one of the houses.

Nathan took out his wand and sent a spell at him, knocking him unconscious, then walked over to him and sat on top of him. A man with a face that had no resemblance to the killers.

"I wonder what brought you to this point."

And he took out a knife and cut the man's neck and collected his blood in a bottle. Then he got up and went home to bring Godfrey's food to him early.

He expected to see him crumpled in a corner with a helpless and confused face, but he faced a different scene.

Godfrey was wearing a luxurious black robe and was lying on the couch with a face as cold as ice. Nathan was shocked, not to see Godfrey in this state, but because of the beautiful young woman lying in his arms, bleeding from her neck.

Nathan said as the color faded from his face.
"Isn't she Gabrielle Delacour?"

Lost in his thoughts, Godfrey noticed Nathan's presence and looked at him with an asymmetrical smile on his lips.
"So you finally decided to come back after a few weeks."

"What are you talking about, my love? I've only been gone for a few hours."

"Honey, don't try to make me look crazy."

Nathan pointed at Gabrielle.
"She's alive, isn't she?"

"What's wrong if she's dead?"

"Godfrey! She is an innocent being, a member of the Order."

"She is neither innocent nor a member of the Order. Having the mark of the Phoenix on her birth certificate and access to Grimmauld House does not make her a member of the Order.

And besides, she has tortured and killed many innocent people, how can she be called innocent?"

"She did those things without knowing it."

"And not knowing is the worst sin."

Nathan stepped towards Gabrielle to see if she was still breathing, but Godfrey said in a warning tone.
"Go back."

Tears rolled in Nathan's eyes.
"Please tell me she's alive."

"It seems that the beauty of this creature has impressed you and you don't want her dead."

Tears rolled down Nathan's cheeks.
"I just don't want you to become a criminal."

Anger sat on Godfrey's face.
"Letting death eaters into Grimmauld house isn't a crime, but the things I do are crime, yes?"

And he threw Gabrielle on the ground and got up and went to the basement. Nathan also ran to Gabrielle and sat on top of her and checked her vital signs and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank Rowena, she's alive."
