You Are Always In My Heart

in Freewriters28 days ago

Hartmut was standing in the courtyard of his mansion, looking at the beautiful mermaid who was lying motionless in the pool with his eyes closed.
"He's fine, isn't he?"

And he remembered the scene of his and the mermaid's fight with the hunters of the dark creatures. Big metal arrows and spells that were constantly fired at them and the wild ocean waves that tossed them here and there.
"Who would have thought that my business trip to import a collection of precious items into the country would turn into a rescue operation for a mermaid?"

He bent over the pool and looked more closely at the features of the mermaid's face, his arched eyebrows, his long eyelashes and his pouty lips.
"I should suggest he settle here. The pool doesn't have the charm of the ocean, but life among humans can be exciting for him."

At that moment, the mermaid opened his eyes, and Hartmut, seeing his glassy and shining eyes, got confused and fell into the water. The mermaid laughed and swam towards him.
"Since you were bent over the pool at a ninety degree angle, I gather that the damaged discs in your back are completely healed."

Hartmut said with a blush on his cheeks.
"Having you by my side made me recover quickly, my dear Nemesio."

Nemesio smiled mischievously and wrapped his arm around Hartmut.
"Aren't you worried that a mermaid lives in your house?"

Hartmut also smiled.
"I don't think anything bad will happen. You can only drown humans in the ocean."

Nemesio tapped Hartmouth's cheek with his finger.
"Don't be too wishful, honey. I can drown you in a tub of water too."

Hartmut put his mouth close to Nemesio's ear and whispered:
"It's better to be killed by you than to live without you."

Nemesio hugged Hartmut and rested his head on his shoulder.
"How do you think a creature like me can live among humans?"

"We can ask a surgeon to turn your tail into legs."

Nemesio was shocked to hear these words and lifted his head from Hartmut's shoulder and looked at him in horror.
"What are you saying?"

"My dear, haven't you told me that you always see yourself in your dreams with legs and walking or running on the ground? Isn't it your wish to become a human?"

"Hartmut, even if I do get legs, I'll still be a mermaid, but an incomplete mermaid missing an important organ."

And his eyes filled with tears. Hartmut raised his hand and placed it on Nemesio's cheek.
"I'm sorry, my love, I shouldn't have said those words to you. You don't have to have legs and turn into a human to stay with me. You can keep your tail and stay a mermaid."

"Are you saying that from the bottom of your heart? Wouldn't you rather have me on the ground next to you?"

"Darling, you are always with me on earth too, you are here."

And he put his hand on his heart. Nemesio was filled with joy and love showered on him and he brought his lips forward and placed them on Hartmut's lips and kissed him.
"You are also always in my heart, my love."

And they laid next to each other on the water and held each other's hands and felt at that moment their souls were joining together.
