Luck or Hard Work??

Hey Fellas!!

Hope you all are prepared for the weekend to come. I could not write here for a few days because I met with an accident, that is I fell off my two wheeler..LOL.. I don’t know about anyone else but I fell off my two wheeler two times in my entire existence and it's pretty embarrassing…Anyway, I just wish nobody falls because it hurts. It hurts really bad.

Recently, my cousins planned a day out and literally kidnapped me to the planned location as I was deferring the idea from a long period of time. I had my valid reasons straight, I had a very important project in my hand right now and did not want to commit even a small mistake. But they took me, yes I know they took me because they love me, reason being they want to spend some quality time with their sister.

We sat at this beautiful restaurant which is situated uphill in an open area but we chose to sit in a closed place due to drizzle. As soon as we all started talking we didn’t know where exactly all the time passed. After I had taken over my father’s business, the only topic for discussion in each and every family gathering is my work and the way I do it and I obviously get really irked at the way it is talked about.
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I am the kind of person who likes it when people talk about me and the things I do because I believe that inspirations are everywhere but people have been taking my work and my passion for granted. They believe that I have been passed this ancestral business by my father and that it is sheer luck that I got an inbuilt business where I had to do nothing and sit but no one looks at the hard work it has taken. I myself made all the contacts I had bought all the projects for this business and made an irreplaceable team who does that work.

So I knew where exactly this discussion was heading to and with popping the bubble I was in, my younger brother Kanishk who is presently in the third semester of B.Arch curriculum and is soon going to become an architect asked “Can I get an internship at your workplace?” I was surprised with a sudden question and truly I didn’t know how to and what to answer. I said “Kanishk, you are studying at a premium college, why would you want to work with us? You should ask your faculty if they can arrange an internship for you in a good organization.”

To this what he said just melted my heart and the very next moment my confidence was ready to break the roof and be in the sky. He said “I came to your office recently and met Aarav (our lead architect and my friend), we have similar qualifications so I asked him what made him leave his posh job and work with you?”

To this he replied “Earning a lot of money is what you prioritize when you are young because you have a lot of aspirations and dreams that are yet to be met but then later in life when you will look back there must be several people, relations that you might have sacrificed to fulfill the former. I didn’t do anything for this firm,I did this for myself. I just believed in your sister’s passion and her vision to make this firm such a success that we can employ the talented youth here so that they do not need to go out stations in search of work. Today, because of her I feel more connected to my roots and my culture and I remain proud that I am doing something good for my mother land.”

He continued “So I want to work with you guys because I want to learn how to visualize a larger concept and believe in that vision even when the whole world is taunting you that you can’t do it.”

My heart filled with love and all of a sudden, all these self doubts that I had been cornering in my mind just vanished. I realized how important it is to believe in yourself and the people who work for that plan of yours. I thanked Kanishk and returned to my work with my strong and unstoppable motive.
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That’s it for today guys. Thank you so much for giving it a read. Love you all.


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