Sequía/ Drought

in Freewriters11 months ago


Has olvidado entre las grietas del camino
las alas de las aves remojadas
con la diminuta lluvia que calló en este desierto
mientras no estabas.

Has olvidado la violenta tempestad,
que antes odiabas,
para morir por el último suspiro
del vaso agua...

You have forgotten between the cracks in the road
the wings of the soaked birds
with the tiny rain that fell in this desert
while you were away.

You have forgotten the violent storm,
that you used to hate
to die for the last breath
from the glass of water...

Poesía y fotografía


Wao very great and amazing peotry. I really like it. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading, regards.

Most welcome dear.

Nice lines.

Thank you


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