5-minute freewrite day 1230 prompt: turkey trot


The words "turkey trot" make me think of a dance, something like the fox trot. But Wikipedia tells me it's a footrace that happens around Thanksgiving. I'm not one for racing any more, so I don't pay much attention to things like that. I do notice the wild turkeys that sometimes pass through our yard. Some years there are more of them than other years. I don't know whether they change their territory or the routes they take through the fields and woods, or if there just aren't as many of them every year. Some years they are absolute pests, getting into the flower beds, eating things I don't want them to eat, and pooping everywhere. My neighbor says they have come right up on her porch. My husband added 2"x4" wire mesh fencing to the barbed wire around our garden so the turkeys couldn't run right through the garden, eating as they went. I have seen an actual turkey trot, and it is a very amusing sight to behold. They aren't very attractive birds, really, and they make very distinctive sounds while milling around in our yard. I've been told they aren't good eating, because the meat is tough. I haven't eaten one, so I don't have personal experience with that. But when they start messing around in my flowers and vegetables, I must confess I begin to think of all the ways I could prepare a turkey for dinner.

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here.Thanks again to @mariannewest for providing the daily freewrite prompts. If you've never written one, you can find the rules and the prompt


Where I live, a turkey trot would really be something to see ... but, they can't be dinner because it is illegal to hunt them ... they can HAVE dinner in the yard, but they can't BE dinner...

There is a turkey hunting season here, but I'm not sure when it is.