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RE: WEB 1, 2, 3

in Freewriterslast year

I enjoy your lessons, but there are not many drummers on Hive yet. We need to get more to come across and I appreciate your efforts may help.

Have you used @threespeak for videos? It is a little more complex to set up than Youtube, but does not have the copyright police there (yet).

Appics were originally on Steem (now gone to crap), but went off to do their own thing and I have not looked at it in ages. @liketu is good for posting photos. I met the guy behind it and he has big plans plus the funds to give big votes.

I have gotten disillusioned with centralised social media. Elon Musk seems intent on ruining Twitter, Facebook is too full of ads and I will never make a cent from Youtube. I am very happy on Hive despite its limitations. We need to get many more people using it so they can benefit too. I know from experience that it can be hard to get them on board, but I have a few friends who enjoy it now.