Traffic Noise - 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

Hello writers, readers and everyone else joining me on another quest for inspiration and writing!

Whenever I have a hard time choosing a subject to write about I turn to @mariannewest and her amazing channel for inspiration. As always, I am writing on subject that make me think outside the box and this was one of them. It's fun to challenge your self in these little comfortable ways, just to make sure your creative mind is getting enough free space to grow.

Let's go!


I was born in a small town, where few cars ever passed through my street during the day and I was able to play freely, uninterrupted and safe to explore. I loved it, it was quiet and peaceful, with just enough sounds to make you think but not to much so you can't hear your thoughts. But, the need for adventure took me far away and in to a much bigger city, full of lights, people and cars.

No one ever told me how loud on one hand a big city can get, and how quiet you can make it be. In the beginning of my adventure everything was just too much, way too many cars, sounds, smells, even the wind was stronger then I ever felt.

I was away from home!

It took a traffic jam to realize that I no longer have the luxury of calling my dad to pick me up, to roll down the windows and enjoy the ride. It was all about getting to a destination as quick as possible.


I felt angry every time I had to get in to the car. What's with all the noise, where are you all rushing to? Isn't riding a car interesting enough? You have amazing old architecture to look at, beautiful and unique people, each with a story to be told and you have the audacity to honk?

I complained to my dad and then he gave me one of the most memorable advices ever:

It's the inner peace that counts.

It took another long and angry year to understand the meaning behind it. After some time I wouldn't hear the sirens, noise and cars. It was all becoming a part of a symphony and perfect way of a busy city to express it's nature. Who was I to change it?


It was me who had to change and adapt to this new way of life. Am I going to let the outside noise overwhelm my inner music or are we going to play together? I decided that forming a band with my new town was a better option. So we played and danced since then, sometimes fast and in a hurry to some up beat music, sometimes slow and barely moving but enjoying the ride.

It's the inner peace that counts, thanks Dad!

With love,


I lived in the provinces before migrating to a city where drastic lifestyle changes had to be made. The noise of traffic was a norm I immediately noted I should get used to. Living in the mountains made time a bit slower while things feel calmer. The city life made things feel like faster than they really do and the demand for efficiency goes up several levels. It's a contest living in a city. Even the noise competes with your inner rambles.

Your dad gave you good advice. Inner peace matters more. Your environment may change but your inner environment will always be with you.

First of all thank you for reading and leaving a comment, you rock!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that feeling of "it's just too much" in the beginning. It's amazing how we can adapt to almost anything!

Our brains our wired to numb common stimulus. Otherwise we would constantly be bombarded with sensations of each strand of hair moving behind our backs, pulsations, and other bodily reactions. Noise is no exception that's why some people can stand being in a rock concert long hours.

Well I just make it a habit to see what posts caught my attention on my newsfeed and comment on it. I don't spend a lot of time online here so I better maximize whatever activity I can squeeze in while I'm at it.

It's a good thing you did, because you now have a new follower and like minded Hiver :)

Thank you for the follow, though I'm not sure my content is subscribing to. It's a disorganized art blog with random topics in between. Not really an ideal way to make a brand. Still working on my digital art though, it's just a hobby.

What a pleasure to read your coming to terms story. Love it!

I try to put as much as I can in such a short time.. I always have a rough idea what I want to say, but it often takes more time :)

Thank you for reading and commenting, I really appreciate your blog and inspiration.

Many are using the 5 minutes to get a start and keep writing and writing. We have had several writers that ended up publishing books that got started in the freewrite :)