Fly Swatter

in Freewriters25 days ago


“Goodness, Katie, this place stinks,” Steph exclaimed, wrinkling up her nose. “Yeah, but it's the cheapest I could find around here,” Katie said, putting down her luggage. “The house will look really nice after we clean it up, don't worry.” “Just look at the carcass over there. It has thousands of flies hovering over it,” Steph was irritated. “Err, the moment I get rid of the dead animal, the flies will be gone too,” Katie encouraged but Steph wasn't having it.

“You know how much I hate flies, Kate. I'm out.” “Come on, I need a hand here.” “Pay for a cleaning service. I'll get you a fly swatter.” “What's a fly swatter?” Steph halted and turned so that she's looking Katie in the eyes. “Metaphorically, it means someone who's efficient at getting rid of small annoyances. Let's just say a killer of flies.” She rolled her eyes after taking a quick glance at the carcass then feigned to puke before walking back to her car.

“Good luck with that,” she pointed as the engine of the car revved up.

“I guess I have to do this all by myself,” Katie sighed as she rounded the house to the backyard. It was a detached bungalow with a small garden with withered plants and a lake nestled behind the building. Katie's mouth hung open when she saw the lake. It was a crystal lake with a wavy surface. Beneath the water were pearl-like stones. Birds washed themselves in the water and butterflies fluttered around.

A fly suddenly buzzed into Katie's ear, reminding her of the work that needed to be done in the apartment. After getting rid of the fly, a small smile appeared on her lips as she took one last glance at the lake. “I never knew of you, but I'm glad you're here. Thanks for making me believe that I didn't pay for the wrong house after all.

After changing into normal clothes, Katie began with the interior. She was taking down cobwebs when the fly swatter arrived.

“Steph sent me over. I'm Brian,” he greeted, after he was let in. “Yeah,” Katie scratched her head as she took in the physique of the guy who happened to be the fly swatter. “Ma'am?” he said trying to get back her attention. “The name's Kate,” she stuttered.

Clearing her throat, she wore a deadpan expression, “there are some really upsetting flies in the garden area. Also, maybe you could work up some magic so they don't ever come back.” “I'll do my best, Kate,” he said with a smile and walked away.

When he was out of earshot, Kate dialed Steph. “He's so hot,” she exclaimed the moment Steph got on the phone. “Yeah, he is. Focus on cleaning your house, Kate.” “You're a mood ruiner, bye.” Steph chuckled on the other end, and Katie dropped the phone.

“Do you have a bowl I can borrow? I need to mix some chemicals” She was startled as she turned to see Brian behind her. “How long have you been here?” “Long enough to hear that I'm hot,” he smirked and Katie's face burned with embarrassment.


“I'll get the bowl,” she stuttered, trying to get away from him to cover her shame. When she finally came out with the bowl, he took it from her and inched closer to her so that he's towering over her. Her chest rises and falls as he lifts her chin up and fixes his gaze on her. Her eyes are glassy. “I'll help you get this whole place tidied up,” he said and let go of her chin. “Friends?” he asked with stretched out hands ready for a handshake. She took his hands with a flushed face and mouthed “friends.”