The Voices in My Head... #Reflections

in Freewriters4 years ago

The Mature One...

'We should write something and post it this time. I think three days is a long time for someone who claims that they write to not have posted something for the kind souls that take time to read our content.'

The sarcastic procrastinator...

'But we write every day... have you seen our drafts? Our problem is posting stuff because we assume we'd bore people to death with the same shit! Also, it is not like we are the best at this shit... who even cares if we pen anything? And why do we call ourselves we and I am nothing like you

The Calm Collected Self...

Smiles softly.

'And what exactly is your problem now? I thought whatever feedback we have received is enough to keep us keeping on. We must be doing something right for it to keep recurring. And what do you mean you are nothing like her yet you are her?'

The sarcastic procrastinator...

Quickly frowns...

'I am no coward... I only shield her from the pressure that would if we went full mode! This path ain't for the faint hearted and she knows'.

The Hopeful Writer...

'Are you two done fighting? Yes? So... what are we writing today? A reflective piece? An erotica one? Been a while since we did those ones, I wonder what happened to the daring us? What of something dark?'

The Doubting Thomas...


'Another reflective piece? About? And who the hell wants to hear our opinion on anything? We should stop looking into it. Lol. Erotica you say? Until our diversify our mind with enough lovers, please lets not go there. Also, you can't be selling us as a perverted being out there. About the dark ones, darkness is our only standing long term companion and we refuse to give it up even through writing. Moving on!'

The Now Irritated Scribe...

Shaking Her Head

'Is there anything that you don't have a problem with? Who we are or what we write? Why then have me as part of us? Why then summarise us as a writer during those rare introductions? How are we calling ourselves that when we can't bring ourselves to pen these insurmountable experiences and stories? Why can't we yet document our pain? What is it with us and our search for perfection? I just want us to write.'

The Overthinking Slave...

'I think we best keep it shallow. The heavy stuff might dig up some buried issues that we are not equipped to deal with yet. We have too much on our hands. And the idea of juggling such with expansive explanations to whatever questions that might crop up as feedback is unappealing. Why do we have to complicate things that we shouldn't? Again, lets keep it low and simple.'

'I would also like to add that if we want all the above we got to be very honest with our ink. Are we ready to embrace sharing who we are with the world fully?'

The Writer...

'I am working on liberating myself. Finding our place in the creatives world and boy isn't it challenging! Nothing can be like embracing one's flaws. We will set ourselves apart the day we will master that art of living our goddamn truth.'

The Opposers in Unison...

'Makes sense but then again we are nothing special so our posting or writing doesn't qualify as anything worth anyone's time.'

The Calm Collected Self...

'Shouldn't we allow our audience to decide such other than ourselves? Yes?'

The Writer...

'We should start by posting this. It might help our audience understand why we disappear for days and the agony we go through every time we are trying to create.'



...This is me trying to capture the exact emotion motions that I go through every time I am posting something here. Writing definitely is easier... sharing is the problem or rather questioning what I share is. Sigh!


So true, I have been trying to polish my story these recent days and each time I read it, it seems the crisp is lacking. Being not a native English writer seems tough :D

Writing is simply complex for most of us. I think we simply give it our best and hope that it is enough. I believe that you are doing your best !

Exactly, Trying out every day 😊