Reflections: How old do you want to become?

in Freewriters3 months ago

Photo by Scott Webb: Gray Rock Formation

Have you ever thought about how long you want to be on this planet?
Or wondered what life would be if you are at a certain age or maybe after a certain age?

I always wanted to leave this planet when I turned 60, max 65. I experienced life as difficult, didn´t experience much joy or fulfilling and I felt I couldn´t contribute to my life. Being stuck in survival mode with low selfesteem, I found 60 years on this planet should be enough.

Now that I am more aware of myself and what I could contribute to this planet and humanity. 60 years feels way to short to be around. I am gonna add at least another 40 years to it.

100 +10 more years would be a nice age to leave this planet and to return home.

Dude, hunderd and ten years? Are you kidding me?
Yeah I am serious, I do want to live at least another 60-70 years on this planet. I have a mission and I want to enjoy my legacy as long I can.

In a vision I had a few years ago, I was part of something new, a new way of living on this planet (new is relative). It all ready exists in another parallel universe. Slowly (it goes way faster) we are see a big shift in consciousness. People building communities, going back to more individuality in smaller groups. Discovering their true-selves, manifesting and creating.

A place of love, unity, equality, wisdom, forgiveness and gratitude.

My practice Motivation Monk is part of this journey. My journey to become 110 years old and living in a community with all sort of facilities. People coming and going on retreats, building a new education system and healing facilities.

I have seen this place in South Africa, a place that is part of me and I am part of this place. My legacy. Where I sit against the tree of life, looking over a meadow, consulting and guiding. A place filled with joy, peace and our younger generations.

It's my resting place, my final destination in this life on earth.


My question for you
How old do you want to become?

Thank you for your time and your energy



@timothyleecress, You have discussed a very good topic. Nice, sir. I am 52 years old, and I have faced and experienced many situations in life. I feel that we are guests on this earth, and we have to leave sooner or later. But we do not understand this truth. They consider it their own and establish rights over it, and one day everyone leaves it and goes away. I think, no matter how long we live, it is best to enjoy this beautiful nature with as much love, unity, equality, wisdom, forgiveness, and gratitude as you have. No matter how long life is, it should be lived with joy. Flowers get life only in the evening. But he himself laughs with joy and gives us joy. This is life. Life is to live with nature. Whatever you have got, live it happily. Sir, this is my opinion; I like it. Thank you very much for giving me a good opportunity to think.

Hi Mulik,

Thank you for your thoughts and mindset.
I'm agreeing with you and I would like to add something. As long our soul wants to learn or ascent. We always come back to Earth and have another experience. One may call it reincarnation or another descending from heaven.

And indeed a truth is to enjoy every moment and act on our highest good :)

Yes, you are absolutely right. It is so, I agree with it. It was good to discuss with you. Thank you

That is a very good goal :) Do you already have the property for your dream community???

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Not yet. I've never been to south Africa. 🤣
My soul longs for it, so I might book a holiday first. But in my network many are going or having connections in SA. It's a matter of timing. There are some steps of the puzzle I've to do in the Netherlands :-)

Hive has many members down there, I'll try to remember to tag you when I read some good posts

I think i am fine with 75-80. I don't like this planet that much lol.

I have no grand predestined mission on earth. I am just a consciousness, and I believe my goal is to live and experience life. I am not here to change the world in any grand way. I don't even want that if that was my fate. A quiet and simply life is all I fancy.

80 is nice as well :)

Everybody has their part to play and to experience.

Some might choose an (what it looks like) easy experience to get some rest from a previous life. Others are pioneers or are game changers. Like the indigo & crystal children.

everything is as it should be. Their is no right or wrong :)

Thank you for your reaction! 🙏