5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: fake news

in Freewriters4 years ago


Fake news has been on everyone's mind since Trump started to saying it. But hasn't there always been a large amount of fake news floating around?

Let's get this show on the road. Time to go. The drum beats in the background like a constant drip from the water faucet.

Let's get these brain juices flowing. Write. Go. Don't stop just for a short time.

I've been taking a lot of naps.

What have I learned over the past few months? Gaming, very little drawing (I wonder where I would be if I put my energy into it), very little writing (it is so very hard to stop for months on end and then start to write and come up with something creative).

Fuck. That just went through my mind.

I had a dream that I bought my mother a new truck. I know that she needs one, her tuck is fairly old and run down from what I can remember.

It's all coming down on me. Something has got to give.

The sun is going down. I'll be sungazing soon. I've done it consistently for about three years now. I was hoping by this time I would have to eat solid food, but I've found it hard to give up. I like food.

Maybe listening to music with words is not the best way to write.

I know that I have to keep going. I need to get a story written and I've procrastinated on doing so. I've conviced myself it is too hard, and then I go off and play video games. I'm doing this on purpose.

Life is a choice.

Did you catch that Trump immediately took off his mask at the White House after being released from the hospital? How many people is he going to infect?

Some people don't think that the virus is real. They say it is fake news and that the world is just fine. Do you believe them?

I think the virus is real, although I don't always wear a mask. Part of the reason I don't is because I'm not around people a whole lot. Even walking around the neighborhood, I'm alone.

Go. Go. Go.

Writting these words out. I failed with this 30-day challenge to myself. Typical. I rarely hold myself to these challenges. It needs to become a habit, this writing thing. I've gotten out of the habit and have had a tough time getting back into it.

Do you want to hear me complain and resolve what I'm complaining about? Send me a million dollars. Yeah, that will hit the spot just right. I'll be able to travel, eat the food I want, maybe start some business that comes to mind, and pay rent. Having a place to live would be awesome, so send in that money. I'm rich, bitch.

Here we go. Who is this "we"? I say this a lot. Here we go.

Is it safe to say. "Hug a bear naked in the forest, and you'll recieve a large statue of Stalin in your backyard before you get home"?

Fake news.

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Biased news has always been around, but not as bad as today where only a handful of corporate behemoths own all the news agencies and outlets. Take into account also that many often consider this talking head opinion shows as actual news. But they are not, they are just opinion shows that slant information the way they want.

I think you are right. It also has to do with the schooling most of us recieve, which makes us stupid.

I do like that we, the common person, can now video record just about anything. This is one way to keep the media in check -- espectially in cases like police misconduct.

or in the case of false accusations against police. It is good all around.