How Often, Do You Look Up - ( FreeWrite 1824)


What happens when we choose a side. And with it, allowing our egos to take over and shut down anyone, who does not agree with us. We can become so defensive, but why. Are we afraid?

Afraid of what might happen, if we realise, that what we choose to believe, is in actual fact damaging us. That's quite the load to take in, to take responsibility for,

We may be presented with a situation, where we feel like we can only support one point of view, a point of view that is all laid out for us. Making it all the easier for us to just go along with it. But in doing so, we cut ourselves off from the truth.

This is the danger of following blindly, be it with our friends, families or different institutions. It prevents us from trying to decipher things for ourselves, from thinking critically about what we have been presented with or exposed to.

Sometimes I wish people would spend more time looking upwards, to see how much of our world has changed. The skies, are full of truths. But it's hard to see, if you only wish to follow. When was the last time, you saw a yellow sun, I don't know about you, but I really can't remember.

Because I am sure that the sun is meant to be yellow, I certainly have clear memories of it being yellow when I was younger. There s a reason why it is always depicted as being that colour.

Where I am now, the sun seems to be getting whiter and whiter and the sky is no longer full of clouds that I can identify. Sometimes I look up and all I can see is a weird soup of cloudlike formations and on top of that I feel a heaviness in the air, a heaviness in my lungs.

These formations, are becoming more common and with them, are my eye infections. Something I never suffered with before, but now depending on what is going on in our skies, I often wake up with watery, itchy eyes. To me that is no coincidence, it's my body reacting to whatever is above our heads.

I often wonder if people think the same way as me, but when I try and bring up the conversation, some people don't seem to want to talk about it. They think it's all just conspiracies. But here's the thing, I can see it with my own two eyes, I can feel it in my lungs and now my eyes are reacting to it.

And yet, I'm the one being labelled a conspiracy theorist, funny that, isn't it.

The photo I used is from a friend.


People are so stuck in their way of being, it has become their only source of security and stability in our weird and changing times. When you bring something up that attacks their source of security, even if true, they might become defensive. Or thats how I see it. Stay safe. Luckily the sky and air here where I live is still good. But other things not so much.

Thanks @fermentedphil, yes people can be so defensive and often do not even realise what they are defending. I am happy to hear that your sky and air are healthy. I know there is so much going on in S.A. Be safe and well xxxx

Thank you so much. Yes, that is unfortunately the symptom of clinging to dogma. You do not even realise you are defending and clinging onto it.

If only it were funny.

My husband just commented yesterday; "have you noticed how white the sun is? And that you can actually look at it? Remember how bright it was in colour and brilliance when we were kids?" That was, of course, said glancing at the white ball amid the crisscross lines in the sky. Even the sky doesn't seem blue but a sickly colour. For people who never get sick we seem to be constantly raiding the garden for herbs to cure a gastro or bronchial or allergic illness that resembles something in a sci-fi movie. My natural cures used to work! Even they seem to be lethargic and compromised by what most say is our vivid imagination and seriously lacking senses.

Yes, so glad to know I am not alone in my observations, I men it is really obvious to me, but to others wow, it's crazy. I am finding mushrooms are helping me, especially Reishi and also black seed oil. Thank you @buckaroobaby xxxxx

Black seed oil is fabulous

Nice writing Aishlinn, I love to be able to connect with like hearts in this space, the level of awareness is uplifting to the minds. Thanks for gently encouraging others to keep looking, thinking, and speaking up! 💜

Cheers Keni, yeah if we have a voice we need to use it, it's important for our children and I certainly don't want to look back and say I did nothing. xxxx