No One Here Gets Out Alive - Strange Days of The Doors

in Freewriters11 months ago



By mid-1968, Strange Days had given The Doors their first charting album and they were selling out the Grateful Dead five times over, but they were certainly also part of the emerging counterculture.

As a student at Florida State University in the early 1960s, Morrison had become particularly engaged with the philosophies of protest and crowd psychology, and he brought these elements together in his interpretations of one of the band's most powerfully political and controversial songs, initially recorded on the third album Waiting for the Sun.



The title supposedly refers to the ratio in the United States between young and old, perhaps with a nod to Sun Tzu's art of war, "if our forces are 10 to the enemy's, surround him; if five to one, attack him."

The lyrics - "The old get older but the young get stronger, it may take a week but it may take longer. They've got the guns, we've got the numbers" - acknowledge the latent power of youth and reflect Morrison's belief (like many of the Summer of Love generation) that music could change the world.



Perhaps his later realization that American youth was inherently more conservative than he let on led - along with copious amounts of wine and beer - to the song's infamous 1969 Miami performance. With the stage swarming with cops, the star interrupts the groove to rile up the audience: "You're all a bunch of fucking idiots, letting people push you around.... You're all a bunch of fucking slaves...etc.

Morrison was subsequently arrested and brought to trial for drunkenness, indecency and profanity.


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