Too Hot: A 5-Minute Freewrite (Fiction Story)

in Freewriterslast year

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"What's with the weather these days?" Conrad complained as he wiped the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. "It's too hot," he added.

The weather has been unbearably hot lately, and for someone like Conrad who worked on the field, the heat was hellish.

"What would I give for a cold cup of beer right now?" mumbled Conrad before looking through his theodolite.

As he surveyed the land, Conrad heard a commotion, which forced him to look around.

"What's going on?" Conrad asked himself as he walked towards the other worker.

"Hey, Jude, what happened?" He asked one of the workers.

Jude turned after hearing Conrad's question. He then briefed him on what had occurred.

According to Jude, one of the workers collapsed due to the heat, which didn't surprise Conrad as something similar happened just the other day.

"This damn weather," Conrad cursed under his breath, prompting Jude to nod his head in agreement. "Is he okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, the medical staff already put him on one of the tents, and the ambulance should arrive soon," Jude explained.

Conrad nodded his head and returned to his work. Not long after, his shift came to an end, and Conrad was free to go home. But instead of going home, Conrad went to a local bar with some co-workers, desperate for some cold beer.

"How long do you think we need to complete this project?" Jonah asked Conrad after putting down his mug.

"No idea," Conrad answered. "That's for those up above to decide."

"True," Jonah agreed. "But I really hope it won't take too long; the heat is killing me."

Conrad nodded in agreement. Just like Jonah, he hated the heat and wanted to work somewhere cooler.

The next day, Conrad reported to work and was forced to work under the sun again. Although he curses the weather, Conrad's hands never stop working. But as the day progressed, the weather became more unbearable, and Conrad suddenly found his vision darkening and then nothing.

When Conrad opened his eyes, he found himself looking at the white ceiling.

"What happened to me?" Conrad inquired.

"You fainted due to the heat," someone answered.

Turning his head towards the source of the voice, Conrad saw a nurse replacing his IV drop.

"Heatstroke?" Conrad asked as it dawn to him that he too, fell victim to the weather.

"Heatstroke," the nurse replied with a nod.


#freewrite #dailyprompt #fiction #story


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