The Grumpy ( Grandpa ) Tortoise

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

The old tortoise

couldn't help being grumpy
most of the time.

Lack of air
and as an effect
lack of energy
made him behave like this.

It also didn't help
that even the wind
or the sun
or even a single rain drop
bothered him

and so he ended up
spending most of his time
hiding inside his shell.

Every now and then
he popped his wrinkly head
out of the shell's biggest opening
only to find out
that it was either
too warm
or too cold
too humid
or too dry
too windy
or too windless

You name it
it was always too 'something'.

As an effect,
he ended up
spending even more time
hidden inside his shell,
feeling sorry for himself
and getting grumpier by the hour.

It wasn't easy to be a grumpy old tortoise.

It just seemed easier
to stay stuck
in his uncomfortable comfort zone
moving to another place
was out of the question.

Imagine it not being too much of anything out there?

A young tortoise,
who had observed
the (shell of the)
grumpy grandpa
for a while,
decided to take note
NOT to turn into a grumpy old geezer himself.


Meanwhile I've watched a few of my friends declare that they were NEVER going to turn into grumpy old people and now they are grumpy old people and we're not even that old yet XD

This a note to self? ;D


I detect some grumpiness inside myself, especially directed towards my own parents, and I am going to do my utmost best to not turn into a grumpy old geezer, when I actually get 'old'.

I'm trying to work out who this is about, if you are the young dino. I love the poetic briskness of it. I scrolled down waiting for your commentary but nada. Are you half in your shell? Come out for a hug!

I am not necessarily the young one, I guess I am somewhere in between that young turtle and the grumpy old geezer.

I wanted to keep it anonymous but let's say that it's ( more than loosely ) based on a family member and old(er) people like him who have reason enough to be grumpy but they make it hard for themselves and the people who love them / surround them.

Your hug is welcome, I'll also pass it on to the grumpy old tortoise, carefully, so he can handle it.

If any of these turtles come to Cambodia, I will be sure they don't end up as turtle soup, and also that nothing is "too" anything.

Hey there my friend. As usual, a cool little story with a lot of wisdom to share. I'm glad to see you're still getting on quite well.

Did you publish a book yet?

Seen a lot of grumpy old tortoises in my time and the little vow still remains to never end up like em. I'm out here making moves 🌚🌚

You get it. Keep crawling!