AOL Trivia Night Hacker

in Freewriters3 years ago


I sat in total shock staring at my monitor. This was the last thing that I imagined happening during my AOL Writer's Trivia Chat, I was being harassed under my own AOL screen name.

Back in the early days of the internet there was a fraction of the free antivirus programs that are available now. I was terrified that this person was logged into my computer and controlling my screen. He shut my system down. My job as a chat host was to drop the questions into the Writer’s Trivia Chat and present the answers.

I researched my topic and even purchased a trivia book to get questions from for the chat and this person was ruining it all.

Somehow I earned the right to edit the AOL newsletter in exchange for free AOL internet. It wasn't worth a lot of money, but for me it was a blessing.

As a stay at home mom and a wife of a controlling man who refused to allow me to work outside the home, AOL was my freedom at the time and I cherished that freedom
I worked for it and protected it.

I closed out the Trivia night chat with apologies and a deep disappointment coupled with fear over this hacker and what else he may do to my computer; my outlet for socializing. I was, however, determined not to be undone.

The hacker had approached me with his unique AOL screen name. I emailed him and “read him the riot act, as mom
used to say,” with his email. It was pretty easy to email him as everyone on AOL had after their screen name.

In my email I told him that he ruined a very important evening for me which I had prepared for for weeks. I said, “What right have you to hack my system and prevent me from doing my volunteer job as chat host?” I went on to pour out my frustration that he had
not even considered the cost of his actions. To my utter surprise, he emailed me an apology and his Norton
Antivirus log in and password to run on my system. He explained that he had found “back door” on my system created before he every accessed my computer by a Trojan virus. A Trojan virus is akin to leaving the back
door open on my computer.

This a true story and I did use his Norton antivirus program and "closed" that back door.

Sometimes things work out and people do have a conscious. I hope you
enjoy my real life story. Good things can come out of bad things.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 KJV


This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt hacked hosted by @mariannewest.

My Twitter handle is:

My gab Handle:

Please add me if you are also on these sites! ❤


What a generous hacker. 😃
I don't even know why you trusted him well enough to use the antivirus he provided. Well I'm glad it worked well for you.

Well I was young and I didn't understand the implications of any of this! I was definitely surprised and this was back in the very beginning when regularly consumers were beginning to access the Internet. I will tell you, I learned a lot from that day and from many other instances that happened along the way.
Thanks for stopping by to read and comment! Have a great weekend.

That's very intresting story and sometimes bad that things happened with us for life changing good.

Thank you so much @birjudanak 💓

Wow, what an experience! I'm glad you told him off, and he apologized. Not everyone would do that.

Looking back I'm surprised I did, but I really but enjoyed what I was doing and it wasn't something I willing to give up so easily. ;) I hope all is well your way!

Wow, you handled that so well! Way to go! Glad it worked out for you! Yep, we all need to stand up for ourselves! FYI, Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the bible! Have a great day!

Thank you for stopping by and reading and commenting! Yes, I love that verse too! It's a great reminder.

a real nightmare @wandrnrose7. Cheers

It was scary! Thanks for stopping by!