The Songs of Our Mother

in Freewriters2 years ago

img_0.9305860072208318.jpg Mom's Engagement photograph.

I still see her bent over her acoustic guitar as she plays for her own pleasure, sitting on a kitchen chair. Her youthful face concentrating on the notes her fingers deftly found as she strumms to an inner rhythm.

Mom and music are synonymous to me. Her voice singing out in the evenings after dinner dishes were cleaned and the house neat and tidy. She sang songs of the fifties and 60s, pop, rock and country western. She'd close her eyes and lilt out the words to a melody she'd memorized. She couldn't read music, but taught herself to play guitar by ear. She sang her favorite songs and she'd play songs from her youth.

Mom played and sang to her own acoustic accompaniment a Marty Robbin's song, " A White Sport Coat" for my litte sister who loved that song and she sang Van Morrison's song "Brown Eyed Girl." To me she'd sing "You Are My Sunshine." That song began playing in my head just the other day while I struggled with a battle of strep throat.

I draw upon the warmth of these memories and I wish that I'd have had Mom longer. The good things we're given can never be stolen from us. I need to just close my eyes for a little bit to see the sunlight resting on her hair and to hear the sweet trill of her voice when she sang a song with yodeling, which she did especially well. She was fully Arlene in the moment that her creative soul touched the surface. Yes, the good things remain if we let them.

This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt brown eyes hosted by @mariannewest.

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Such a pretty and beautiful your mom dear. That is great to know that She loves music a lot.❤️

Thank you, my fear friend. Happy New Year ❤

Oh,I was so transfixed reading out your story about your Mom.So lovely, ❤️❤️💓,
You know what,Moms are always special and out of comparison to anyone.
Once they are with us, we pass the time so smoothly,
That we forget, how it would look like, when we would lost the,
Thats so pathetic, to be honest.

But hearing your story, tends me to love you back and carry sympathy for you in yours to come.

I thank you, and pray for that you do be blessed and remain in good conditions..
Really, love you and may God bless your Mom...


Thank you for reading and for your kindness. My mother was a beautiful woman. She left the world too soon, I look forward to seeing her in heaven one day. Until then her memories keeps me warm even when I miss her.

Yeah,you will get to heaven, I pray for that..
I dont talk to you for kindness, you deserve the support and warm grip of words.

Dont feel alone rose, I will always love you and pray for you.💓
You are a good woman and I feel great when I see you grow forward.

🙂🙂🙂❤️💓💗💗💗 God bless you,, go a long way,you are blessed...
Dont worry, love you...

Thank you for your prayers 🙏 ❤.

Such a brilliant woman! Learning to play by ear when she couldn't read the music.❤️ I hope this memories continue to keep you warm. Thanks for sharing 💕

Every day! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. ❤

Yay! 🤗
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