Rainfall & Sea Foam

in Freewriters3 years ago

& do you understand the sun's broken teeth
on the flower? do you hear the rain run around

the lips of children? what if you did, will
you call it magical,amazing? will your feet

tingle the spine of sand running with worms?
will the music catch you from falling into the

wings of delight? or do you turn away from the
window to the wall? what if you did, do you now

remember the bitter sea,how it railed & shrieked,
how it limbered for fathoms after the keels of

suffering boats, how urchins threw ice rocks
after rudders & masts & the rocks on the shore,

how they howled their mirth across the tomb
of the vast sky? do you remember how her hands

felt leaving your arms,the wind that rushed
into that vaccum,the empty imprint of blood

fleeing contact, palm prints drying into invisible
scars on your chest, your heart now a broken music

box repeating a single line over & over, over
& over again? does it matter then, if the rain

dances, the wind is filled with sunlight, the stars
twinkle with mischief & children know the name for

delight in several extinct languages, would any
of it matter, now the distance expands like skin?

Image Credit

Yours always,
Osahon (warpedpoetic)