Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 6

in Freewriterslast month (edited)

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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 6

Dear Reader, Did I mention blood and water before?

I think I did, didn´t I?

It might have been that back then... What am I saying I am sure that back then the blood felt poisoned.

It´s those closest to us that can make the blood boil, and cause animosity that takes years to die down.

The good news is Dear Reader, that after all these years blood once is thicker than water at my side of this story.


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It feels good to be here, away from everything and back to when nothing had changed. Also talking about those I left behind in the royal province allows me to accept that I am moving on.

But after this night of rest in a real bed, something starts to itch. A burning spot in the middle of my back, right where I can't reach. I am sure it´s not bed bug bites, but I can´t put my finger on it.

After a long walk across the fields, I know so well I reach the house again and take my place in the rocking chair on the veranda. It´s a nice warm afternoon and Kosa and his wife already took up their place in the shade next to me. And even that little shadow Stella is out and sits on the stairs braiding reed.

I look at donkey again, if it was not for Donkey we might have never reached this place, never gotten the clues we needed so badly. It was easy for Retsje to carry all the goods and gears back to this place while Numico took care of that smiling animal. If it wasn´t for that damn Donkey......the sheer coincidence of things in this universe put a smile on my face.

"When are you leaving?" Kosa asks and rudely awakes me from my little daydream.

"How so?" I say shocked. I hadn't talked for a second about my departure but I felt the desire glowing like ambers in ashes.

"Martio, son, I know that look and I know you. You are on your way, I don't know where but you have a goal."

I take a deep breath; "I have no goal, no plan. But yes old man you are right. I do have a goal, I'm going back. I'm going home."

"The village hidden behind the volcano, that's it, right?" The old woman asks and she smiles wistfully when the words are spoken.

"Yes, that's where home is," I feel my eyes turning dreamy. ç

"I don't know why I'm returning. The risk of my village being found and falling into the hands of ruthless soldiers seems to have passed, at least for the time being."
I ponder a bit myself before I continue.

"And I don't want to make them any wiser than they already are, this world far from their origins is no more beautiful or better than what they are surrounded with right now."

"Therefore I honestly do not know what I am doing. The boy told me to go, I feel I must, but without knowing why. Maybe it's where I think I belong, or at least where I need to be."

As I say that, I stare into the distance over the fields, and from the corner of my eye, it looks like Stella's shoulders shock, a minor shudder just for a second.

"But if it pleases you both, I would like to enjoy your hospitality a little longer. It feels so homely here, I have not felt this since my mother....."
Kosa´s wife smiles slightly and nods.

"And it allows me to stock up on provisions for the last part of this long ride back. I will pick it up in the village over the hill where we met, not even that long ago."

The old man and woman both beam and nod approvingly, then the ladies get up together without exchanging a word and disappear.

"Martio, I don't get to the other side of the hill much anymore and so I would like to ask you a favor," he pauses and then continues slowly.

"My niece lives there, she fell out with the family and left. I never wanted to know what exactly happens, nor what she does there."
I see some kind of pain in his eyes when he tells me this.

"What I do know is that she frequently visits the tavern. The innkeeper is a long-time friend, I trust him fully. I always leave something with him for her, and he makes sure she receives it. Could you drop something off for me?"

It can not be the asking that pains him, but I have not seen Kosa like this ever before.

"It´s nothing my son, but she is a bit like the daughter we never had....and well you might see for yourself."

He pauses and looks towards the hill behind which the village and his niece can be found.

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Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

The Closure A Personal Story With A Soundtrack:
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 1
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

The Closure - Greatest Hits For A Never-Ending Story:
Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"

The Closure - Alice in ArtWorkLand:
ALICE In AI ArtWorkLand - A Crazy Man´s Revelations

[Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)