Never was love, what you felt for me

in Freewriters8 months ago


Never was love, what you felt for me,
A fleeting dream, a passing spree.
Your heart once raced, your soul did soar,
But now it's just a distant roar.
In days of youth, we danced in sun,
Our laughter echoed, our hearts were one.
We chased each other, wild and free,
And life seemed full of glee.
But time has passed, and seasons change,
And with them, our feelings range.
What once was strong, now fades away,
Like autumn leaves that lose their sway.
Now I am left to ponder why,
Those flames that burned so high and bright,
Have dwindled down to mere embers grey,
Leaving naught but ashes gray.
For never was love, what you felt for me,
Just a fleeting dream, a passing spree.