This is a post, this is the internet. Rambling tought on war, NFT's, copyrights.

in Freewriters2 years ago

This is a post.

It generally contains text and images which you can usually copy and use, it is how the internet works. You download a video, image, you use a text, an article, you study it, summarize or rephrase it.

You can copyright your material and make it owned by you with a reserved rights license as to avoid people using it or you can share it openly, but it doesn't actually prevent it being used. For that artists may be dependent on the algorithm to detect and alert, and then on regulatory or judicial process.

Crypto will probably help in this in a more advanced way, expanding licenses in the future. Maybe we could NFT or monetize an article or photography and maybe get a fee / royalty everytime it is used. (i'm sure there are projects doing it or putting it into action.) #hivestockimages started putting this concept into action "manually", hive in the future could incorporate it into it's interface and automate it. For now you can share through beneficiary option the rewards of your post.

I haven't even much of peeked on NFT art, but it is interesting as a huge start and i think the gaming arena will also reward alot of people with the possibility of changing the world as crypto in general. I can also imagine education being rewarded instead of being purchased.

It is curious and terrible at the same time that we have a war (or the possibility of a big one) in the middle of great advances in technology and human conscience, but then again how many people are limited by others ? Some conflicts go for years without actually getting noticed globally and in the age of censorship / algorithms it's hard to keep track or understand the situation but my hope is with humanity.

The COVID measures by most governments were the last drop as the populations accepted it, many will be astonished, many will be brave, many will die, after all this conflict i can only see two final outcomes, oppression or freedom. I think that if people will want the truth freedom will come.

Crypto and nft's are just starting and altough there is a lot of controversy and scams these are growing pains and experiments, and as the first cryptos, the first nfts technology is just the start.

(and since i'm not going to find an image today here is a random one from the internet)
Until next time... have a good night

(Germany, Freedom Protest 2022?)


In here because of the title. Good job