#2 Rada Quest 10th edition 🌸: Innua Woodland Fury Fanart (EN/ DE)

Hello dear Hive Community and Rada Quest Fans,

A wonderful sunny Sunday to all of you. Here's to... A new round of the Rada Quest Art Contest has begun. The 10th edition to be exact.

I would like to join this contest with my interpretation of "Innua Woodland Fury". This time I have chosen a simple anime style.
Nevertheless, I stuck to the main features, so that you can recognize this character despite the different drawing style.

Here are the steps...

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury thumbnail.jpg

Hallöchen liebe Hive Gemeinde und Rada Quest Fans,

Einen wunderschönen sonnigen Sonntag euch Lieben. Auf, auf... eine neue Runde des Rada Quest Art Contests hat begonnen. Und zwar die 10te Edition um genau zu sein.

Zu diesem Contest möchte ich mit meiner Interpretation von "Innua Woodland Fury" joinen. Ich habe mich dieses mal für einen schlichten Anime Stil entschieden.
Trotzdem habe ich mich an die Hauptmerkmale gehalten, so dass man diesen Charakter auch trotz anderem Zeichenstil wiedererkennen kann.

Hier nun die Schritte...

the Progress.png

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury 1.jpg

First the sketching, took me long this time. I had different ideas and wasn't sure if this one I chose works out. But I tried.

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury 2.jpg

I wanted to have it in an easy anime aka manga style with a bit dynamic in the picture that it does not looks toooooo boring...

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury 3.jpg

And I wanted to have a more detailed background but in the colors of the character.

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury 4.jpg

So at least I switched the lightful blooming nature to a dark blue version.

finished Fanart/ fertige Fanart

rada quest fanart innua Woodland fury.png

the original/ das Original:



Source of the image/ Quelle des Bildes:

Rada Quest Post Announcement:

Source of the Rules/ Quelle der Regeln:

Rada Quest new Post Announcement:

Source of the Announcement/ Quelle der Annonce:

Check out the Rada Quest website

credits to the creators and artists of Rada Quest ❤️

Source of the informations/ Quelle der Informationen:

allgemeine Infos/ general info:

  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung ~ 8 Stunden 35 Minuten/ duration of completion ~ 8 hours 35 minutes

last words

To translate some of my german native words I used deepl.com. After I edited and corrected some parts because deepl.com couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

Your / Eure