The divine interpretation. #PoemByMe

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

At times,
The divine interpretation wasn't enough
To know.
It was the violet hour
I, the lover of daydream
And as a storm, brown eyes would crash mine next.

Static as a rock, blinded by the sun
Reflecting on his golden skin
Angelic honey waterfall
Can turn into vinegar in a split.

Violence, as nature, stopping our dance
Like ants, collecting, moving
Feelings underground, and links
Burning like bridges leading to an island.

The port was open at that time,
I was naive, walked what felt like hours
Through black and wet pieces of wood on the water, eventually, deep into the sea.

Silent in the night, he listened to the dark
And twice would ask for a light
And thrice would wish that it will be all over
The noise, the waves, music, pollution, and us.

La la la la la la
La la la

The photo was taken by me in Buenos Aires, November 20, 2018. Sunset.

Music can be a deceptive weapon that can inspire, but also destroy. Today I was on those weird times traveling from one place to another. I got inspired to write this by listening to an old french singer.

I think that letting myself be guided by her sad voice, I was imagining a very abstract story of two people falling in and out of love. Their first encounter, on the sun, and the first strike of attraction and sweetness, followed by the approach of night, would represent the end of the relationship, which would happen on long docks by the coast.

Love is a journey, and we all pray that it doesn't have an end, but in reality, only the strong have the courage to change, adapt, compromise, and be patient and wise. Otherwise, most probably, we could find ourselves at the end of the docks, alone, laying down in the moving wooden steps, wondering how to come back to shore.

I wish that all of you would continue to be healthy and thriving, despite the harshness of these times. Sending regards to all, I thank you if you stopped by to check on this post.

Until next time.



Intriguing piece... It read like music; interesting to know that it was inspired by it. Evocative and engaging, it held my attention from start to finish. Write on!

That is a huge compliment! more coming from a real writer :). I consider myself to be an amateur writer at my best, so it is always encouraging to read such nice and kind input. Thank you, I deeply appreciate it. Best wishes to you, sir.

One has to start somewhere :) By paying attention, staying open to surrounding influences and being creatively responsive, this is how we all write — beginners & professionals, alike. Keep up the good work ✌🏼

I’ll have that in mind. Cheers!

Very good poem in a prose poem style (although written in verse-like lines). Its eloquent images, set in a suggestive spatial context, connect us with a temper between loving affection and nostalgia. Greetings, @cesarj21.

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

Beforehand I thank you very much for your comment and your support. I do not consider myself a writer or a poet, only an amateur of literature, and I like to write things up in my daydream moments of the day. Your Input also helps me to instruct myself more, and yes, this post and poem are special to me, deeply. Greetings! Happy December.

Fascinating the way you manage words. It's really a great poem.

I am glad to you Sr. for reading what I wrote, and for calling it great, that made my day, thank you.

I love how you manage that fine line between a really clear story and really abstract imagery. It lets the two play against each other for a more powerful experience.

It is great if you had a good experience reading what I wrote, that makes me feel grateful, I appreciate the kindness, thank you.

Buen poema, pero leído con el traductor automático. Hubiese sido interesante tener la versión en español. Saludos.

Gracias por su comentario tan amable, me alegro de saber que pudo leerlo. La próxima vez, trataré de compartir mi contenido en español también. Saludos! que siga muy bien.

Violence, as nature, stopping our dance
Like ants, collecting, moving
Feelings underground, and links
Burning like bridges leading to an island.

Me llamo mucho la atención este párrafo, al final ninguna emoción, ni ninguna situación son permanentes en esta vida, un abrazote amigo feliz día ♥

Oye! perdona por lo tarde de mi respuesta, han sido días muy agitados. Hoy que tengo tiempo para responder, te agradezco por siempre ver mis publicaciones y comentarme qué piensas, a mí me agrada eso. Y como dices, coincido totalmente, la vida es un péndulo, que anda de un lado al otro siempre.
Un abrazo de vuelta José, que la pases muy bien lo que queda de año.