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RE: A New Life Begins.

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!?!?!? LOLOLOLOL

oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so so so excited for you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what an adventure to begin!!! and did you know that @samsmith1971 is coming from UK to visit me in less than a month?? hahahahaha

so when i eventually come visit her - I need to MEET YOU!!!!!!!!!!

oh wow!!!!!! Ola Cola ?!?!?! this is so just so thrilling! I want to hear all about this! hehehehe i'm smiling from ear to ear!!!!!!!! so giddy and so excited!!!


Yaaaaaay. My sweetest adorable mama... I love you so much. I am deeply excited and thrilled too and I can't wait to meet you. Just know that I would hug you for minutes before I let you go hahahaha.

Thank you so much mama.