In the darkest hour

in Blockchain Poets7 months ago

It creeps in ,in my silent hours
When the best of me is asleep
It comes with a baggage I've long thrown
The guilt and pain
The hurts that tears me apart

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Why does it seem to know me too well
It calls my name and tell me how much of a sinner i am
It reminds me of how i am not enough
A subtle lie it creates
My strength is weak and there's little i can do

In the darkest hour
Hold me strong, and keep me awake
Don't let me sleep because the other of me comes
And it scares my being
Hold me and wake off the creature in me
Until I no longer fear the dark


So true, in our silent moments, we are visited by thoughts that brings out our guilt. Sometimes we need strength to overcome it

That's exactly it

The dark side seems with its pestilent tentacles to trap us in the darkest night where we are vulnerable.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

So true, they seems to know when we're loosed

I enjoyed this piece. In as much as silent moments can be the way as described by my friend, I find silent moments as an important aspect of one's life. Because the silent moments also take us into deep reflections to review our past, analyse our present and Prepare for tomorrow.

Yeah, it's this moments that negative thoughts tries to steal

Exactly my boss.

Nice piece you got here. Negative thoughts find their way into our minds, it's how we receive them that tells if they'll have negative effect on us.

Landed from #dreemport being a #dreemerforlife

Yeah. They only have influence on us of we accommodate them

I translate the darkest hour to our most vulnerable moments when our strengths is not potent enough to fight against our demons. Such demons can be pain, regret that we have locked up for decades but due to our vulnerable state they all come knocking seeking refuge in our minds. I believe we all go through this so called darkest hour once in Awhile and it takes a strong will power to overcome it.

It is a thought provoking piece you have written.

Pop in from #dreemport

You're right, and you've described this moment just fine.

Yeah, something like a moment when things go against us and we struggle between ourselves and this demon

Yay! 🤗
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Oh, this is such an insightful poem and at the same time, it talks about a deeper struggle. An inner struggle between your post persona and all the insecurities he faces. It's beautiful and I'm glad I came across it today.

It's good to know you like it and thanks for sharing your thoughts

This is so deep. Our thoughts has a way of manipulating us in different ways especiall3in our darkest hour.

I pray we overcome such thoughts so we won't be slaves to it

Amen. It's important that we overcome it

Sure... Weldone