Life a mystery

in Blockchain Poets2 months ago (edited)

Life is a mystery no one can unveil
Its swift and cunny, no one can decipher her move
It allows you win a few and when you're proud
It turns the game around.
It's at the gate of the prideful waiting to steal their treasure
Be mindful lest you fall, there's always a pitfall when you feel you are standing

Photo source

Arise and be wise, your clock tick
Understand time and season and be grateful for every moment
Live and help others live, that's our only duty
When the sun shine on you, spread it around for many to enjoy
When the sun change its direction, you may be lucky to be invited.
It's life, nothing is assured
Luck and chance happen to us all.


Good one on your perspective on the misery of life.

Misery, pride, luck and likes.

Thank You

 2 months ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

Life is a passage, we go on a permanent journey that at some point stops and you have to take another train. Good poetic text, greetings.

Uhmmm. This is deep and true

Life is a mystery totally, but that's what makes it more interesting simply because if life everything was obtained in an easy way, it would be too boring, thanks for sharing ♥

HaHahaha. This may be true. If things were gotten easily, maybe we may not understand it's value