"In Writing" - A Poem

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

I want to write
Call words from
My brain tonight
Let fingers fling
Hands left and right
I want to find the words
I’ll one day
Be known for
I want to let it out
Until this fullness
Is no more
Until I know
I have said
Every word
In my head
Until I can satisfy my pride
That I left nothing back
Bottled inside
That I
Poured the words out
And I
Wretchedly cried
Ecstatically sang
My essence
In entirety
And let my true
Unfiltered soul


Sometimes I really do feel like I have so much more to say than I say and other times I feel like I've said too much. That's another one of the things I'm working on. I can't say for sure when I'll be able to resolve that issue or even what that resolution would look like but I'm committed to working on it for however long it takes.

Do you ever feel like you're too guarded or you don't express your feelings fully? Feel free to let me know in the comments.

Peace ☮️.



Very nice poem I loved it, very sincere on your part, answering your question, I used to be very shy and reserved not to hurt anyone but in the end I was hurting myself and now I say and express what I feel in the best possible way, greetings ☺

Thank you, that sounds like the level of openness that I'm working towards 😊

Do you write poems everyday?

I can relate so much to this piece.. Seriously I feel I don't express myself enough.. Guess I'm kind of feel too guarded.. I will try to loosen up a little though...thanks for this poem