Beautiful, Always.

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

I am addicted to her beauty, to her person, to everything that makes her, her. She is more than her look. This is beauty, in and out. Addicted to her charm.

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Has anyone told you, you look beautiful tonight
I love your looks, you are beautiful in sight

I am not under duress, I can see clearly
What I feel tonight, I'm speechless and teary

And I just want to be with you
Your smile is all I want to see
And when you laugh it makes me loose control
Feel the strings... Feel the strings
Hold me tight.... Rub my head
Take me into a land I've never been before

I am the one person who want to love you more
I can't get enough of you, I love it
I would be lost if I lose you my darling
Your smile is my smile, your happiness is mine
All I want from you, is to grow old with you
I want to hold your hands
While I create a walk for us to remember

I want the young and old to see us in love and smile
The young; to have something to look forward to
The old; to reminisce on the years spent in love too
I'm the one who just want to love you more
Not just for your looks but for all you are


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dancing thank you ❣️

I'll just write, long live love ♥

A wonderful cheers to that ❣️

"I want the young and old to see us in love and smile
The young; to have something to look forward to
The old; to reminisce on the years spent in love too..."

Yes!!! I love this poem and the way you connect different eras with love. This is the love we should all aspire to and not simply fleeting connections. Beautifully written.

Thank you for your beautiful words.


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This is good. Thank you ❣️🍷