
in Blockchain Poets4 months ago


In the abyss of existence, we roam,
Seeking meaning in the unknown,
Man wanders, lost, yet to find his home,
His essence is hidden, yet to be shown.

Before the essence, existence must be,
A journey through chaos, wild and free,
In the labyrinth of life, we're set adrift,
Seeking purpose, our souls to uplift.

Through trials and tribulations, we strive,
In the depths of our being, we're alive,
Existential quandaries, we confront,
In the quest for meaning, we confront.

To find our essence, we must endure,
Embrace the uncertainty, and mature,
For in the crucible of existence, we learn,
Our essence emerges, a flame to burn.

So let us embrace the existential plight,
And journey onward, into the night,
For only through existence, do we find,
The essence of our being, intertwined.

Existentialism is philosophical school of thought that specifically project the opinion that existence precedes essence meaning that man must have to live first in order to discover his essence. Therefore, there exist no destiny or fate that is prior to man's existence since only man can create his own fate and destiny. This poem i wrote it to capture this ideas.

Thanks for stopping by, i appreciate you reading ❤️


Some beautiful verses that reflect on the eternal search for a purpose in this journey, an existential meaning to life, as difficult to find as living in this world.

Thanks for sharing your poem.
Good day.

Existentialism is considered a brutal philosophy for those who really don't understand the corpus of that philosophy but in a deep thought, one will get to understand that it's not just about living but also about making meaning out of life.

I appreciate your engagement, thank you

This is beautiful with great choice of words. I love the idea behind the poem about man creating his own destiny and fate. Nice one

Thanks so much for reading and engaging. Truly mam must live and create his own destiny

You are welcome and thanks for blessing us with such beautiful poem

 4 months ago  

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All pleasure is mine. I wish to be more active in the community