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RE: Let's Get To Work.

You're flirting on the edge of rejection here @olawalium, as the word counts have started dropping, and you need to have a decent word count. I think @penderis was kidding around when he specified 300 words but your word count is getting down there.
The problem is your quality is 1st class and totally awesome, so I don't want to see you go to that level.
I think if it was someone else with mediocre material I probably wouldn't say anything, I'd just reject it. But I am passing this one! Besides, I like your writing as well.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.


Thank you so much. I am deeply sorry about that and I'm sorry it took me this long to reply too. I will work on this. Deeply appreciated sir.

I wanted to mention that since I had made that comment @olawalium, Penderis said that we can go fairly low on the poetry if it´s a quality poem, so still focus on your poem and not so much on the word count my friend, and as far as being a little while it's never worries hahahaha, we often have our strong priorities!!!

Hahaha. Thank you so much sir. I appreciate the heads up. It means a lot.