Nothing To Lose 

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago


It may exist, it may be an illusion.
The right decision results in a celebration
Whether it exists or not,
A good deed has a reward

If it is an illusion, there is nothing to lose
If it is not, there is all to lose
What should I do then?
Should I ignore all and live life to the fullest?
Should I accept all and live every day as if it were to be my last?

Everything then lies on me
None can influence that
Not hardship nor success
Not victory nor loss
For these aren't beyond my control

If it exists then I should desire it
For it is said to be a beautiful place
A place of no sorrow nor suffering
No sickness nor death but joy and joy

If it exists then I should dread going there
For it is said to be a terrible place
A place of anguish and suffering
A place of everlasting torture

It may exist, it may be an illusion
Whichever it is, I am determined
To live a good life
To be ready for the inevitable
And if it happens to exist, then all won't be in vain
And if it happens to be an illusion, all won't be in vain
For by living well, others lived well


Hola @joseph23 profundo y complejo poema, lo expresas tus versos reflejados en tus estrofas. Se dice mucho de un mundo más allá; en lo particular pienso que son elucubraciones de vida celestial. Lo cierto es que nuestra vida terrenal es muy corta y no debemos desperdiciarla erroneamente. Vive, ama, siente disfruta, lo demás es incierto.
Feliz semana para tí.

Hello @joseph23 deep and complex poem, you express it your verses reflected in your stanzas. Much is said of a world beyond; in particular I think they are elucubrations of celestial life. The truth is that our earthly life is very short and we should not waste it wrongly. Live, love, feel, enjoy, the rest is uncertain.
Happy week to you.
Translated with (free version)

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