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RE: In That Moment.

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

Hola poeta @gingerup
Me gusta mucho lo que nos presentas en esta oportunidad. El valor que tus letras le otorgan a la Amistad. Dialogar de amistad, es referirse a los hermanos y hermanas que nos dío la vida, cultivados por los abonos de la solidaridad, sinceridad, lealtad entre otros tantos valores. Comienza como una semillita que plantamos y que vamos regando, atendiendo día a día, con trato recíproco, hasta convertirse como tu lo expresas "en amistades para toda la vida".
Hasta otro encuentro.
Feliz semana para tí.

Hello poet @gingerup
I like very much what you present us in this opportunity. The value that your lyrics give to Friendship. To talk about friendship is to refer to the brothers and sisters that life gave us, cultivated by the fertilizers of solidarity, sincerity, loyalty among many other values. It begins as a little seed that we plant and that we water, taking care of day by day, with reciprocal treatment, until it becomes as you express it "in friendships for life".
Until another meeting.
Happy week to you.
Translated with (free version)


Thank you for this 💝. Gracias amigo